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Okay, all of you out there, listen up.

This isn't some Twilight-inspired love story.

I don't fall in love with Harry Styles and cry all over his shoulder while we hug each other tightly. But then we have to let go because I have a freaking plane to catch.

Oh no. No, no, no.

Let's just get one thing straight. Harry Styles is my boyfriend, but I don't like crying over boys.

At all.

So, don't waste your time thinking that I won't go on the plane, that I'll go chasing after this curly-headed part-time bastard.

Just saying.


[the day before the departure]

[the middle of nowhere, aka Central Park]

Niall began to sniffle and sneeze all over my good Camo sweater. I patted him awkwardly on the back while I stared at everyone else for help getting him off.

But, of course, none came.

"Niall, it's okay. It's not like you'll never see me again."

That just caused more crying. So, I pulled back and reached into my purse. "Here you go. All seasons of Good Luck Charlie. Even the uncut episodes for the new one."

I handed him a boxed disc set and he smiled at it. I had to refrain from laughter.

"You guys are acting like I'm leaving today. It's only the 14th. I leave tomorrow."

"We'e gonna miss your birthday," Perrie whined and gave me a big hug. "You, El, and Dani are the only people that save me from turning into an actual fanfiction slut."

"What?" Zayn asked.

"Nothing babe." But, she secretly winked at me and I laughed.


Outside, I put on a happy face.

But, inside, I felt conflicted. I was angry at Bridge, sad that she was going...and in the deepest hole of my being...

Maybe a bit happy.

I really like Bridge, but let's face it: I'm not cut out for commitment. And that's the cold, hard truth.

But, I don't have the guts to say it out loud. Bridgit would surely wrap my balls around a pole for bringing up the argument again.

Isn't it crazy? No matter how much you like somebody, how much you care...the passion inside you for them can turn negative or positive in the blink of an eye.

Truth is, I met Caroline after I left the X-Factor and got my record deal. She worked in the television department of the entertainment studio and we immediately hit it off. It was secret at first, and when it got out, it was a Twitter and media blood bath.

I broke up with her because of all the hate. Unwillingly, of course.

Maybe that's why I wanted to press pause on the announcement about Bridgit's and I's relationship.

hurricane // bridgit mendlerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora