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Chapter 29

I sat in the car, my foot completely off of the gas petal. I pulled my blonde hair into a simple bun and when I was done, I leaned back and gripped the steering wheel.

"Three hours," I started slowly. "It's five o'clock at night and you have me driving for three hours for a carnival?"

Nick smiled nervously at me. "Surprise?"

I hit the horn in frustration, making him jump. "Dammit, Jonas, I love you, but you can't go and send us upstate for a stupid carnival."

"Come on Bridge, you'll love it," he assured me and I released my handle on the wheel, only to fold my arms. We were parked in front of a large beach carnival in upstate California. There was a barbecue, carnival games, a lot of tents. It was quite great and might even look pretty at night, but come on. I want to sleep. I like to sleep.

"Couldn't we do this another day?"

"Today was the last day."

"Then another year?"

Nick rolled his eyes and tugged on my arm. "Come on Bridge, it's not that big a deal. After we're done, we'll stay at a nearby hotel. I'll pay."

I still looked and felt uncertain.

"Mendie, this will be fun. And you look like you need some fun in your life."

I sighed and grabbed my phone from the cup holder. "Sure Nick," I said, giving in. "Just, never do this again."

"Whatever," he replied. "I can completely live with that."

We got out of the car, I locked it, and we walked up to the front gate where there was a man who, I guess, was doing the admissions.

"I hope you know you're paying for this too," I said, turning to Nick. He nodded.

"Already on it." He gave the man the admissions fee and the guy smiled at me.

"I'm Kev," he said, showing his pearly white teeth.

"And I'm Hermoine," I replied and he laughed.

"I'd recognize your face anywhere. You're Bridgit Mendler."

"I won't even ask how you'd recognize a child star anywhere."

"You're hardly a child."

I refused to pursue any further conversation with Kev...he started to get a bit creepy. So, instead, I took a paper wristband from Justin and put it on my wrist to show that we paid to get in.

"Have a nice day Bridgit!" He exclaimed.

"I told you, my name's Hermoine," I exclaimed as we entered the carnival. The first thing I spotted was a funnel cake stand. I hadn't eaten anything but two donuts today, and that was a couple of hours ago. I was starving.

"Funnel cake?" I asked, with puppy dog eyes. I wasn't making Nick pay for everything because he dragged me here, but I didn't bring any money. So, he'd have to be my own personal bank.

"Here, take a fifty," he said, taking a bill out of his back pocket and shoving it into my hands. "Don't spend it all in one place."

I've never been happier to see fifty dollars. I merrily skipped to the funnel cake line.

"Excuse me."

Somebody tapped me on the shoulder and I spun around. "Yes?" I asked.

"Oh god, you really are Bridgit Mendler."

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