Verse 12

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*Aiden's POV*

I couldn't find him anywhere. I ran at speeds I didn't think possible, searching all around my house, trying to find where he could have hidden, and anytime I would almost fall, somehow I'd manage to catch myself perfectly, but stopping in place was more of a challenge than I realized. I had already crashed and put holes into the walls of the house, something I know my aunt would be furious about, but I didn't care at the moment.

Clair's voice followed me where ever I went, pleading constantly for me to calm down. I brushed off her words the second they hit me. I wouldn't have it. He had changed me, stopped my heart, killed me. A new kind of rage had over taken me, over powering any and all sense that would have taken root.

I wasn't even sure what would happen when I found him, but I never stopped looking. Figuring he had to of left the house, I rushed for the front door, but stopped short as it flew open. Paul rushed inside, shoved me away and hurried to Clair. I wasn't sure when he had left, but figured it anybody knew where Tucker was, it would be him.

Alec walked in behind him and grabbed hold of my wrist, then began pulling me to the back door.

"We have to go, now!"

Paul's voice was heavy with worry and for the first time, it didn't send chills down my spine. I tried to ask what was going on, where Tucker was, but my voice was cut off by Alec's words.

"Shera is on her way, we have to get him out of here."

He sounded bored. A heavy annoyence sliped from his tongue the more he spoke. I didn't know who was talking about, or what was going on, but I intended to find out. Throwing myself free from his grip, I stumbled back from the force of my new found strength before Paul grabbed hold of me, then demanded to know what was going on.

"We don't have time, Aiden. Please, just let us get you out of here!"

Never before had she every sounded so terrified, and if it wasn't for my current state of mind, I probably would have listened. Slapping Alec's hand once again as he reached out, and pulling myself from Paul's grip, I took another step back and demanded to know where Tucker was, and an explanation as to who or what Shera is.

A loud crash echoed through the house, silencing my words, and making everyone stand still. I could hear heavy snarling coming from the living room, yet something told me to stay away from it. Another crashed sounded, this time even closer than before. If I still had a heartbeat, I'm sure it would be going crazy, drowning out every other sound. A feeling in my gut suddenly made itself known, sending waves of panic all throughout me. Never before had I felt a fear like this, and never again did I want too.

Another crash broke the silence, this time followed by a scream. The noise chilled me to my core, sending waves of fear all throughout my frame. The crashes grew even closer, yet none of us could find the strength to move. Another scream sounded through the air, this time just outside the kitchen, where we all had gathered. Paul and Clair had hunched over, bearing their fangs, but kept deathly silent.

As another scream entered the air, a crash so loud sounded, the very ground beneath us seemed to shake. Alec had vanished from the room, while Paul and Clair inched closer to the door. I watched their movements, slowly and carefully.

They never once made a sound as they moved closer to the door. Paul's foot was moving towards a crack in the tile and despite my silent warnings, his shoe slid across it sending the smallest bit of noise into our ears. A heavy silence over took everything in the house, but was quickly broken by another scream, then crash as Paul and Clair both, flew against the wall.

Another Dumb Vampire Book (A BoyxBoy Vampire Romance) Book One. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें