Verse 21

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*Aidens POV*

I could see Abadon and others ready to lunge forward and attack. There was no denying the charges against him, he had changed me knowing full well that I had visions, there was no doubt in that. They all hunched over, waiting for the acknowledgment of guilt before making their attack.

Paul and Clair assumed a defensive stance, ready to strike at anyone who came forward, but Tucker just stood there. A slight shake in his body betrayed the calm demeanor he was trying to present. He wouldn't look towards me, instead locking his eyes with Victor's. In the time it took for me to blink, he was at Tuckers side and whispered something I couldn't hear.

Finally turning his face towards mine, I could see likes of red escape his eyes as he turned back to Victor and nodded his head. Now walking towards the center of the room and looked up at Abadon.

"The penalty for this action is indeed death." He stated, lifting his hands into the air as though to calm the other vampires.

"I will give my life in place of his."

Everyone's eyes shot wide open in shock at his sentence. I could hear a small whimper come from Tucker as silence began to overtake the room once again, everyone processing the last thing said.

"Victor, you are the keeper of time. You cannot be serious. You are going to give up your place on the counsel, your entire life, all because of some fledgling vampire not even a hundred years old?"

The woman who spoke sounded aghast as she leaned forward, locking her eyes with him.

"I knew you were a fool, but to this extent? Somehow your ignorance still manages to surprise me."

"I don't take kindly to insults, Emmeline." Victor stated simply, turning his eyes to the one who had been running the trial.

"By doing this, you would make me the leader of this counsel, my word becomes law, Victor. You're the only person above me in rank. Are you sure this is what you want?"

His question stayed in the air for what felt like an eternity. He had asked the question earnestly, as though he wanted him to really consider it.

"I will offer my life, in exchange for this trial to end. This is what I wan-"

His voice was cut short Abadon lunched forward and grabbed his throat. Reaching forward with his other hand, he placed his fingers beneath his chin and ripped upwards, pulling Victor's head from his body. Letting his body slump to the ground, we all watched in horror and he reached into Victor's mouth and ripped out his fangs, before throwing the rest of him into a now started fire in the chimney at the far side of the room.

A loud scream left Tucker's mouth as he fell to his knees and punched the marble flooring beneath us, sending a wave of cracks and chips all around where our feet were. Paul and Clair rushed over to where he was, but I couldn't find the strength to move. A paralyzing fear had overtaken my body. I could feel myself trembling at what I had just witnessed.

Abadon stood there, breathing heavily, almost gasping. The rest of the vampires hardly seemed fazed by what had occurred, most of them still hadn't taken their eyes from me, while the others stared at the monster a few feet from me, each of them now doubt curious as to what will happen now.

Turning in place, I watched as he looked down towards Tucker who was crying hysterically on the ground, with Clair at his side, and Paul glaring up at him. Within a second, he was already back at the podium, this time slowly walking passed his chair, and moved into Victors.

"The sentence has been carried out, this trial is over." 

He sounded so calm now, all traces of the glee he was displaying seemed to have disappeared into a quiet storm. I watched as Clair helped Tucker onto Paul's back where he intended to carry him out, then felt myself jump as Clair grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the door.

"The trial against Mr. Vale's progeny will now commence."

We all froze in our tracks. Looking towards the others, I watched as Paul's eyes widened in fear, while Clair's face held a confused expression. Tucker's face was emotionless, as though he had suddenly gone numb to everything around him.

"You are charged with the intentional slaughter of three humans in a public setting, and exposing who we are to a child that your maker had to dispose of. Do you deny these charges?"

I had never seen fear on Paul's face before, usually he was so confident and proud, radiating an energy strength and confidence no matter what he did. Now, however, he seemed nothing more than a scared child.

"What is he talking about Paul?" Clair asked, her voice heavy in desperation.

Turning around with Tucker still on his back, he looked up at Abadon and struggled to get any words to come out.

"I...I didn't-"

"You didn't commit these acts?" Emmeline asked cutting his words short.

"I didn't meant to do-"

"So you confess, then?." Abadon asked, cutting him off once again.

"He hasn't had a chance to speak!" Clair yelled, cutting into the conversation before turning back to Paul. "Please tell me you didn't do this, please tell me this isn't what you were freaking out about that night."

Turning to look at her as blood started to descend from his eyes, he nodded his head yes and turned back to the council.

"Very well then." Abadon began "The sentence will be carried out immediately. Death."

Getting up from his chair and lunging forward, I saw as he braced himself for the attack before my body suddenly lurched forward. I wasn't even sure what possessed me to move, but somehow I rushed forward and collided with Abadon, his hand instead pushing straight through my left arm and shoulder, then out the back.

Screaming in pain, I watched as he narrowed his eyes at me before slowing pulling his arm from inside the new found hole in my body, before grabbing me by my throat and lifting me from the ground.

"I will keep my word to Victor about you living passed the trial, but do NOT interfere again!" Finishing his words, I felt my body soar across the room with my back colliding with the large doors we had come through to get here.

Clair had rushed forward in front of Paul, ready to defend him until her body was pushed to the side as Tucker threw himself from Paul's back and stepped in front of Abadon, fists tightened and ready to swing.

"Do not interfere, Mr. Vale. The sentence of death WILL be carried out."

Lifting his arm and thrusting it forward, Abadon easily dodged the blow and knocked Tucker to the side, sending his body scraping along the cracks that he himself had put there moments ago.

Rushing up from the ground and towards Paul as Abadon lifted his arm to strike, I watched in horror as blood shot everywhere, coating Paul's face as a small gasp left his lips.

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Another Dumb Vampire Book (A BoyxBoy Vampire Romance) Book One. Where stories live. Discover now