Verse 7

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*Aiden's POV*

I didn't have my nightmare again. But if I had to choose from waking up in this hospital, or taking part in the horrors that ruled my sleep every night, I would pick the nightmare a million times over. The pain in my shoulder over powered the sharp bits of agony that my left eye shot throughout me. I kept my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep whenever someone would walk in. Not that I could open my right eye anyway.

It had swollen shut from where Kara's fists had connected. I tried to fight off any memory of what happened just hours ago. Hell, I wasn't even sure if any of it was real. I mean, I know it was, but none of it made sense. Why would Chris and Kara attack me? Who was the man that was with them? Why did they want me to stay away from Tucker?

As his name flashed through my mind, images of him, Clair, and Paul standing there covered in blood haunted my every thought. It was like they were completely different people. I tried to tell myself vampires don't exist, but my own memories contradicted my words. Closing my eyes and laying back down, I pretended to be asleep once more as someone walked into the room. I recognized his voice the second it entered my ears. He kept calling to me, asking if I was awake every few minutes. As he continued speaking, chills shot all throughout my body, and I pleaded silently for him to go away.

"He's worried about you Aiden. Please, let him know your safe."

His words stayed in the air as he left the room. I needed answers, but I wasn't sure how to ask him. I wasn't even sure what to ask in the first place. Sitting up in bed, I tried to speak aloud, but little to no sound came out. After focusing and trying again, I was finally able to call Tucker's name. Not even a second had gone by and he was already right next to my bed, grabbing hold of my hand and apologizing.

"Wait." I said, cutting him off. "I've seen this before."

Images from the aftermath of our kiss at school over took me as this exact scene played before my eyes a second time. I wanted to scream. Nothing was making sense anymore.

"I thought I had lost yo-"

"What's going on Tucker?"

His body went stiff as I finished my words, cutting him off. I needed answers. And I needed them now.

"Why did that men attack me? Why was Chris and Kara there? Why do they want me to stay away from you? Why did you have sharp teeth then, but not now?"

The questions poured out of me, and I waited in the silent room for what felt like an eternity before he finally answered.

"I'm a vampire. Those men, were hunters, including Kara and Chris. They came after you, in hopes of getting to me."

His answers rang inside my ears. He couldn't have thought that was good enough.

"Tell me everything." I demanded, glaring at him.

"I can't Aiden. Believe me, I want too. I'm just not allowed. The most I can say is I'm a vampire, and as I told you before, Chris is not a good person."

"Why can't you tell me?"

I needed more than he was giving me. As it was, if I hadn't already seen it, I wouldn't believe a word he was saying. Ignoring his protests, I picked myself up and got off the bed. Every inch of my body ached with pain, but I couldn't just sit there any longer. Looking around the room, I saw a small stack of my clothes on a chair, so I walked over to them, grabbed the shirt and tried to put it on.

My body screamed at me as I tried to life my injured arm, but I some how managed go get it on. I could feel his eyes watching my every move, but I didn't care. Walking over to stand in front of him, I felt my legs start to give out and began to fall forward. Just like in the hallway at school, his arms wrapped around me to stop my fall, but he didn't let go this time. Instead, he held me as close as he could without hurting me. Every question, every bit of anger, all of it just washed away he he held me there. Once again, a feeling of safety overtook me. 

"I'm sorry Aiden."

His voice cracked towards the end of my name and I could tell he was crying, but he wouldn't let me look up to see him.

"Tell me all you can, please?"

My voice was heavy. I needed to know as much as I could.

"You need to remember. I'm not allowed to tell you much, only things that will help your memory."

"I don't understand."

"I'm sorry Aiden, this is the best that I can do right now."

Every urge I had to scream that had left me returned with a vengeance.  I needed more than he was telling me, but it was clear I wasn't going to get it.

"You said you're a vampire, does that mean..."

He waited a while before responding. It wasn't until just now, that I realized he wasn't breathing. At all. Wiping something that fell on my forehead, I gasped and stepped away as I saw it was blood. Looking up at him, it took all the strength I had not to pass out. Lines of red left his eyes at a rather fast speed, and he dropped his head down to avoid making contact with mine.

"You really are a vampire." I stated, my voice heavy with shock. "Wait, how can you go out in the sun?"

"I told you vampires don't sparkle."

He chuckled at his words a bit, the pulled out a necklace he wore all the time.

"This is how. It allows me to walk in the day, and sleep at night. I don't really need it anymore, cause my body has absorbed most the power, but I keep it with me at all times anyway."

I wanted to ask him more. To find out all that I could, but the doctor walked in and demanded that I get back into bed. Tucker wiped off the blood from his face as best he could, then told me he'd be back soon while the doctor rushed him out. Giving me pills, I took them quickly, then began to relax, ignoring everything the guy said. Not sure of how to feel about this entire situation. Hell, I wasn't even sure if I believed it, even though it happened right in front of me.

I knew Tucker was a vampire, that I had no doubt of. But what did he mean I have to remember? Trying to grab my phone to call my aunt, the doctor picked it up before I could and told me I need to relax. I decided I would deal with it when I woke up again. For now, I'll just let the medication do its job.

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Another Dumb Vampire Book (A BoyxBoy Vampire Romance) Book One. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora