Verse 3

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*Aiden's POV*

You know that moment where you just want to beat the shit out of any person that looked at you wrong? That moment where even punching a baby sounded appealing? That was going on, in my head, the entire drive home.

"It sure was lucky he knew how to make all those drinks." My aunt said, turning down the radio.

"And you go to school with him, ironic huh?"

"Yeah, and since you know I spend all my time looking for ironic situations, you can only imagine how happy I am!"

I didn't mean to sound so bitter, I was just pissed, and with good reason too! Why the hell was he at the club? Seriously, was he following me or something? Why the hell was he staring at me the entire time?

"There's no need to get snappy, I was simply stating a fact."

I brushed off her words, and started counting the street lights, in hopes of calming down. They looked like fireflies, flying by in the night sky. Pretending they were, I pictured myself joining them, lighting up the sky each time something excited me. Free from the life of a teenager, free from the life of an amnesiac, but most of all, free from him. As he floated back into my mind, I found myself getting pissed. What the hell was with him? Why did he hate me so damn much? I mean, I just moved here! Fighting off my urge to punch something once again, I ignored my aunt's questions as to why I was upset, and headed straight for my room to sleep.

After lying there for what seemed like forever, I finally gave up and admitted I wasn't getting any sleep tonight. Looking around the room after turning on a light, I grabbed my box of posters and started taping them up on the walls.

For some reason, this relaxed me more than anything. All my troubles seemed to fade away as each picture took up a new spot on these white walls. Killing monotony, and adding originality. One thing however, never changed. I still couldn't get him from my head.

The beauty behind his glare seemed to haunt me throughout the night, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get his eyes out of my head. I could see them everywhere, no matter where I turned. He did look oddly familiar though, but I just couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen him before. You'd think, someone like him would get stuck inside your mind forever, but for some odd reason, if I did know him, I didn't know from where.

Hearing his voice now, I looked around my room frantically, trying to find the source. Thinking it came from the living room, I rushed out to check, only to find it empty. "I'm losing it." I mumbled, heading back to my room. Checking the clock, I growled in frustration as I realized my alarm would go off in just a few minutes.

After cursing myself repeatedly, I got up and headed out to the kitchen, then started to make some breakfast, then headed back upstairs to take a shower. One thing I loved about this house was the number of bathrooms. I hated sharing one with my aunt. Its not like she was messy or anything, I just didn't like her using my stuff. After almost falling asleep in the shower a number of times, I finally gave in and accepted, today is going to suck.

When I finished brushing my teeth and doing my hair, I covered up my scar as usual, then descended down the stairs to join my aunt at the table.

"Didn't you go to sleep last night?" She asked, looking up from her book. "I could hear you walking around all night."

I knew she was lying. She didn't hear me scream from my usual nightmare, so she probably hoped I didn't have it. Her hair was curled today, and she was dressed in her favorite shirt. Asking her what the occasion was, she laughed and told me to get some breakfast, and then scowled at me when I told her I had already eaten.

Another Dumb Vampire Book (A BoyxBoy Vampire Romance) Book One. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt