Verse 22

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*Aiden's POV*

"The sentence has been carried out. This trial is over."

I watched in horror as their body slumped forward, pouring blood from the new found hole in their chest as they were lifted from the ground, fangs ripped out, and thrown into the fireplace. A scream erupted out of Tucker as he once again lunged forward and collided with Abadon, taking him to the ground before throwing multiple punches downwards, all of which were easily brushed off.

I couldn't move. A paralysis of fear had taken hold of my entire body. I could see Paul trembling in front of me, his head facing the ground where Clare had just been moments ago. Slowly lifting his hands to his face and feeling her blood all covering almost every inch of himself. His shaking increased tenfold, vibrating what felt like the entire floor he was standing on. Lifting his head slightly, he charged over to where Tucker and Abadon were fighting, only to collide with another vampire who had jumped into the fight.

I watched in horror as Paul grabbed hold of his new enemy and reached both hands into this mouth, one gripping the top half of his jaw, the other hand holding the bottom before ripping them apart in one quick movement. Moving forward again and heading towards the two still fighting, he lunged forward and tackled both of them to the ground.

A searing pain shot through my eye, worse than the one before. I tried to watch as the three of them battled, each blow getting more intense as they threw them. Diverting my eyes from the fight for a moment, I felt myself gasp as the pain flowing through me seemed to magnify severely.


The voice boomed over the room, causing everyone to pause for a moment. Following the sound of the voice, I looked on in horror as Alec stood in front of the other elders, his right arm locked around the neck of my Aunt Ellis, keeping her in a chokehold.

"Any of you move, she dies!"

Tucker, ignoring the threat and lunging forward towards him, I watched in horror as Alec looked to Abadon who gave a small nod, causing a wicked smile to cross his face.

All at once the room began to blur. The pain coursing through my body somehow elevated to even new heights. I could hear her screaming and struggling, trying her best to get away, then all at once stopping, her entire body going limp as a sickening crack echoed through the room.

The blurred figure from before we entered the room was in front of me once again, their eyes sympathetic as they reached a hand out and helped me to my feet. The physical pain once again faded at their touch, but as quickly as they appeared, they left just as fast.

Looking back over, I watched as Alec threw my aunts body to the side like garbage and quickly kick Tucker away sending him flying backwards to Paul. Readying himself, Paul clenched his fist and collided it with Tucker's back before catching and slamming him face down to the ground.

"What the hell!" Tucker screamed. Abadon slowly rose himself upwards but didn't move forward, instead just stared with a confused and intrigued look.

"All of this is because of you!" Paul screamed before grabbing the back of his head and began smashing it into the ground repeatedly.

"Clair is gone because of you!" He yelled before slamming his face back to the ground

"Mrs. Ellis is gone because of you!" He continued then slammed him back down.

"You killed and changed Aiden!"

He wasn't wrong. Tucker did cause this, all of it. If he had just gone to eat the day of my party, none of this would have happened.

Readying himself to slam him to the ground once more, he was stopped short as Abadon grabbed him by the back of the neck and threw him across the room to where I was standing, causing him to collide and take us both to the ground.

Attempting to stand, I watched as Tucker raised his head upwards, his face splattered in blood caused by Paul's attack. His legs looked as though they would give out at a moments notice.

"Alec..." he struggled to say. "Why would you do this?"

"I can answer that one for you." Abadon stated gleefully. "Alec has been wanting to join the counsel for quite some time now, hell he was the one who informed us of your changing of Aiden, but we needed convincing he would do what needs to done when the time came."

The smile never left his lips, even covered in blood I could see his disgusting delight and pure satisfaction of what transpired.

"Speaking of which Alec, you know what needs to be done."

Smiling once more before walking towards his chair, he made a simple wave of his hand and Alec rushed forward, grabbing hold of Tucker and turning him to face us. Reaching forward and placing his index finger under Tucker's fangs, I screamed in horror as he ripped them out and caught them mid-air before rushing towards Abadon and presenting them to him.

Tucker's body fell forward, horror and pain covering his face, his eyes wide and in shock. Paul remained frozen in place, just as terrified as Tucker was.

Laughing maniacally as he took the fangs from Alec, I watched as he applied some of the blood from his face to them and attached them next to his current ones before smiling wickedly down at us.

Rushing towards Tucker to help him to his feet, I felt Paul's arms grab hold of me and pulled me into a tight embrace, refusing to let me move any further. Struggling against him was useless, no matter what I did I couldn't get away.

"Oh, don't worry little one." Abadon stated in a condescending tone. "I'm not going to kill him, after all Shera needs a new pet."

I could feel my eyes widen in fear. I wanted to fight, to save him, anything, but even with my arm healed thanks to my new found vampirism, I couldn't get away from Paul's grip.

Looking up his face, I found all the words I had planned to say ripped away as the blurred figure from before had his hand to Paul's head, simply touching him with two fingers, causing him to be in some kind of daze. Reaching down and touching me as well, a voice entered my ears and began speaking into my mind.

"He can be saved, Aiden, but we have to get out now. When I say go, the two of you need to run out of the building and get to a safe place."

I couldn't fathom anything that was being said. How could he be saved if he leave him here? I wanted to voice my objections but was cut short as Abadon glared down at us and began to speak.

"I have grown tired of this day and need to eat. Dispose of the big one and take the one with sight to my chambers."

All at once every vampire in the room lunged at us, but was sudden stopped short as a bright light overtook the area.

"NOW!" The voice screamed, then all at once my body seemed to move on its own, rushing out the door with Paul running right next to me into the sunlight. I could still feel the pain in my left arm and reached over to grab it when a wave of dejavú overtook me. This is what I saw before we went inside. The blurred figure, this is what he was trying to warn me about. I didn't know where we were running but my body was moving on it's own.

Only one thing played through my head over and over: "he could be saved."

End Of Book One.

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Another Dumb Vampire Book (A BoyxBoy Vampire Romance) Book One. Where stories live. Discover now