Verse 5

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*Tucker's POV*

If it were at all possible, Aiden managed to avoid me even more throughout the day. After I kissed him, he kept his eyes from me even more than normal. Sitting at a table a few feet away, I watched as more of his new friends made their way over to where he was. I recognized the one next to him the second I heard his voice. Listening in to the conversation they were having, I did my best to fight back the laughter that threatened to over take me.

"No Kara, its called a threesome, if you have sex with three people at the same time. Same thing goes for a foursome."

"Oh really, is that why they call you handsome, Joey?"

As Aiden's words entered my ears, the fit of laughter I was holding in managed to escape, but I quickly silenced it before anyone heard. Paul and Clair had joined me at my table moments after my cover up, then began to ask about the clay rose sitting in front of me. Telling them everything that happened and waiting for their thoughts on it, I kept my eyes fixed on Aiden, wishing he would just talk to me. More and more people had joined him at the table, causing me to growl in frustration as it got harder to focus on just his voice.

"I'm surprised they aren't asking him about the kiss. Surely the news has traveled to his friends by now."

I had started to reply, but cut my words short as Chris walked into the room and took a seat next to Aiden. He knew I was glaring at him, burning holes into throat as he moved closer, then set his hand on the one thing I wanted more than life itself. Aiden looked nervous, paler than usual. It took everything Paul and Clair had to hold me down as he leaned over and kissed his cheek. I wanted, no, needed him dead. Throwing the both of them off of me, I started walking towards him, but stopped when Clair told me to wait. Turning back to tell her to fuck off, I caught sight of Lauren running over to Aiden then stopped at his table.

"Is it true?" She demanded, glaring at him.

Leaning closer in to find out what she was talking about, I took a few steps forward, but stopped when Paul grabbed my wrist.

"Did you really kiss Tucker?"

The entire room had gone silent as her words flowed through the air. I watched as every pair of eyes made their way to Aiden, all of them waiting for a reply. Most of his friends stared at him in total shock, but Chris's expression was the one I cherished most. His skin had gone sickly pale as he turned to his right, joining everyone in their looks. His line of sight broke for a split second as his eyes made way to Kara, but back to Aiden so quickly, I wasn't sure if it really even happened.

"Well?" He asked, lowering his eyes.

I didn't like his tone of voice, nor the way his attitude changed towards him. Throwing off Paul's hand and walking over there, I stopped mid step as another person's words entered my ears.

"Why don't you guys mind your own fucking business?"

I didn't recognize the kid walking towards the table. His hair was short compared to Aiden's, but still long in its own way. The color reminded me of blood at first, with deep red strands falling in front of his face. His black jeans held tightly against legs, while his blue band shirt flowed loosely with every step he took. Glancing over at me, he smiled then continued to head towards Aiden, then took the seat that Chris had left, and started a conversation with him. The cafeteria had resumed its usual loud sounds but Lauren never left, still pestering Aiden for answers.

"He kissed me! Now, would you please leave me the hell alone?"

His voice was heavy with irritation, and I could tell he was going to snap soon. Everyone around him immediately started asking him questions as to when it happened, and what caused it,  but he ignored them all and headed for the doors. The kid with the red hair followed him outside, and I stood there debating whether or not to join them. I didn't know who he was, and I wasn't about to leave Aiden with some stranger, so I started walking outside, ignoring Paul's and Clair's protests the entire time.

Another Dumb Vampire Book (A BoyxBoy Vampire Romance) Book One. Where stories live. Discover now