Verse 4

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*Tucker's POV*

Aiden's words haunted me throughout the rest of the day. I can't believe he thought I was only holding him because I was drunk. I mean sure, I wasn't the nicest person to him, but its because of him my family is dead.

Seeing him standing there so close to that...filth, disgusted me. Aiden shouldn't be anywhere near him, but I knew the second I told him to stay away, he'd only move closer. Even now, standing outside of his classroom, breathing in his scent, I could still taste the air Chris had left around him.

Out of everyone in the world, I hated him most. I wanted to rip him apart for what his family did to mine. It was because of his parents, that both me, and Aiden, lost everything. His mother and father, along with some of their friends, were the ones who had set the trap that killed everyone, and gave me my scars.

I couldn't act on my feelings though. The unwritten law about killing for the past prevented me from doing so. Because he wasn't born when it happened, he was off limits. At least, until he did something to fuck that up. I know he's been trained as a hunter, and I know he's aware of me being a vampire, but he never acted on it. Instead he's always kept his distance, until today.

He approached me in the hallway shortly after Aiden had left, warning me to stay away from him. His bold threats were easily contradicted by the fear in his eyes, and I simply laughed him off, then walked away. I tried to stay near Aiden throughout most of the day, in an effort to prepare myself for another visit to his house.

It was hard to breathe in there last time. I quickly got dizzy with his scent over flowing inside me, and I know he noticed. I wanted to make him remember. I wanted him to recall what had happened eleven years ago, but I didn't know how. Doing research left me with the same conclusion I had come to in the first place. I needed to do something to trigger a memory response. But what? Its not like I could take him back to where it happened. He couldn't stand me.

Something about that thought didn't sit well with me. I needed him to care, to know that I cared, but being kind to him was just so damn hard. Not to mention, if I suddenly did start acting like his friend, he'd think something was up, and I didn't want that. But what choice did I have? I can't stay away from him, and if I wanted him to remember, I'd need to do something to trigger his mind. Figuring there was no other solution, I made myself agree to being nicer to him, in an effort to make him remember.

"How long do you plan on standing there?" Paul asked, walking towards me.

For the first time ever, I didn't hear him walking up to me, and I cursed myself for losing control of my mind. I couldn't help it though, I always got like this when Aiden was near. Even eleven years ago, whenever he was around, I couldn't keep the comfort and safety I felt with him from my mind.

"You're hungry."

It wasn't a question, nor was it a lie. I could tell he was too. It was practically bleeding from his eyes. Following my silent command, we headed out to his car, then down to the mall to get someone to eat.

"Bro, you've got to talk to me."

I wanted to reply, to tell him everything was okay, but I wasn't sure anymore. Now that Aiden had gotten involved with Chris, even for that short moment, I didn't feel right.

"Look, I know I haven't been a vampire long, and I know I don't know much about how they feel, but I was human not long ago. I know something is bothering you about Ai-"

"Shut up, Paul."

His words stopped taking shape immediately. I hated commanding him and Clair, but this just wasn't their place. Being the one who created them, they had to listen to my every word, without hesitation. Telling Paul he could talk again, but not about Aiden, he asked if he could try a whole person today. I didn't think it was a good idea, but I agreed to it anyway. The only way to find out is to let him try, and even if he did lose control, I could still hold him down until he calmed himself again.

Another Dumb Vampire Book (A BoyxBoy Vampire Romance) Book One. Where stories live. Discover now