Chapter 11: A Battle for the Papers

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I seriously think I cant think. I have no idea how to write this chapter. But one problem is that I CANT THINK OF A TITLE. So no title for a chapter or two. *shrug* okay see you guys at the end of the chapter bye.


3rd Pov                                                                                                                                                                      The battle was about to begin. Y/N was nervous, but she knew that distracting someone like Bickslow shouldn't be too hard... right? Y/N, Loke, and Lucy got ready to attack. And this is where the chapter begins. Enjoy!

2nd Pov
 Loke punched a minion with his fists lightened up with light. "WOah!" You and Lucy exclaimed. "He punched them with a lion made of light!" Happy cheered. "Its pointless, these are souls were talking about, you can destroy their bodies but I'll just move 'em to something else... That means I get new babies." Bickslow said. The minions flew towards you and Lucy, Loke punched them. You glared at Loke, "You know I can take care of them myself." You said as you turned to face him, while puffing out your cheeks. (Author-chan in the background be like "Such a kawaii little thing.") "He can send a million of those things and I wont let any of them touch you two." He told you. Lucy and Happy flew over to Bickslow. Lucy lashed her whip at him but missed. "Woah." Bickslow said as he dodged her attack. "Your a feisty little cheerleader aren't cha." He stated. Lucy threw a little fit, which made you laugh as you helped Loke with the dolls. "Lucy, go on and take him out." Loke said. You nodded and looked at Lucy. "Yeah, he's nothing your stronger than him Lucy." You stated. "Hey man take that back!" Bickslow shouted from afar. Lucy hit him. "Ow... aw crap, time for the big guns." He stated. Lucy and Happy got worried. What were his big guns? Your ears perked up at what he said and you quickly took out your part of the minions to get to Lucy. You were hoping you wouldn't be late. Bickslow took off his mask. "Figure eyes." He stated. You went faster. "Lucy!" You said from afar. "Don't look into his eyes." You finished. You quickly reached the other three. Happy was explaining the thing about the Thunder Legion and eyes. Yours were closed as well once you reached there, already knowing his power. The minions attacked the four of you and all you could do was stand there and take the hits. You couldn't open your eyes, making it harder to tell where the minions were going to attack from. Bickslow laughed crazily. "My possession and figure eyes combo is unbeatable, and you guys won't give it so much as a look come on." He stated. You growled at his statement. "Lucy close my gate and hide inside of Horologium for a little while." Loke said. "She can't her keys were stolen." You said for her. "Now some on! I know that you two can help me, so just do it already!" Lucy shouted. "Ok, but we gotta work together for this to happen." You said. Loke smiled, "Alright its the moment of truth, when I give you the signal open your eyes and hit him as hard as you guys can okay." Loke stated. You smiled. "But I thought I was supposed to keep my eyes closed." Lucy said. "No worries Lucy, Loke knows what he's doing." You said. "We just gotta trust each other." You added. "Okay." Lucy said. "The Zeneth of Regulas." Loke said as he covered the two of you. "Lion Brilliance." He finished, doing some weird pose. Loke's spell temporarily blinded Bickslow.  "Now!" Loke said. You and Lucy opened your eyes. "okay". Lucy tied up Bickslow with her whip and you made it more secure with your vine card. "No, there's no way I'm gonna let you beat me." Bickslow stated. "I'm not the man I used to be. When I met Lucy, my true powers as celestial spirit was awakened...I'm stronger than I've ever been before. And its all thanks to them." Loke stated as he walked up to Bickslow. "We spirits are not like your little dolls. Love makes us stronger." Loke said. Y/N smiled as Loke prepared his attack. "Regulas Impact!" Loke said, as a lion head came crashing out of his magic circle. You and Lucy had let go of Bickslow, when Loke's attack came really close. "Kapow." Said Happy. Y/N tackled Loke in a hug from behind (You really only tackled Loke though :3). Lucy looked down and thanked the two of you. "Oh right." You said as you put up your index finger. You stood up and helped Loke up. You then went on your tippy toes and patted his head. "Thanks bud." You said. You went over to tell Lucy thanks to, when Loke said. "I did it for this." He put his hand up and out came some some light thing that said 'I Love...'


Who who does he love? You, and you, and you, and all of you readers. Choose. Your fate is in your hands. This pretty much means you wanna cry or ya wanna be happy. You choose reader-chan you choose.

Anyways how was it. Was it good, bad, terrible? Be honest if your gonna answer. Anyways, thanks so much for reading this book and I will see you all soon. Bye. -Humane~Author.

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