Chapter 8: To Protect the Ones You Love

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Ok I just remembered. I wanted to post twice today. (^v^ ). And I have no idea what to write. -_- I'm a sad being. Ok welp anyways let's get onto the story.

~Previously on the story you've been reading~
Phantom Lord did some bad stuff people. Bad Stuff.

3rd POV
The Fairy Tail guild stood outside the Phantom Lord guild hall, preparing to attack. Y/N joined them after a minute or two. Then Fairy Tail charged and attacked the guild. Causing commotion and a giant fight. Everyone who was there was fighting. And, it was all going well. That was, until everything went downhill. Master Makarov was sabataged. And Fairy Tail was forced to retreat.

~Time Skip~
"What the heck?" A wall now has a hole. "Why did we have to retreat?" Questions were being thrown everywhere. "What about the Master?" Too many questions. "Shut up!" Erza yelled. Everyone did. "But, why would they attack us? Why attack us?" Ethan asked. "That doesnt matter now. What matters now is where Natsu and Lucy are." Y/N said. (I cant remember fully but Im pretty sure only Natsu knew Lucy was kidnapped. And yeah Im all for rewatching Fairy Tail, but I dont want to search for the episode. (^~^) ok lets get back.) "They'll be fine." Brie said. "I bet Natsu's probably going to go save Lucy now as we speak." Brie finished. The whole guild looked at Brie -_-... O-O. "What?!" They all exclaimed at once. "I'm probably right too. Huh." Brie finished. And right she was.

~Time Skip~
3rd POV
The guilds were now fighting. It was very nerve-wrecking. All were doing it for Lucy, their guildmate, their nakama. Its always good to see ones who would fight for their friends. But then, the dark ghost minion things came and Fairy Tail was falling. Y/N and Ethan were at the front lines fighting with their magic. They hadnt used their celestial magic, they weren't sure they made the right choice not using it though. Soon enough though they were forced to use it. Y/N looked at her brother to see him fighting with his plant magic with all his might. She smiled softly, "Idiot, plant magic wont work here." She walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Its time Ethan." Ethan looked back at her, before smiling confidently. Y/N took her brother's hand and walked up in front of their guild mates. "Im sorry we kept this secret for so long guys." She said. They all looked at her confused. "Light of the heavens." Y/N said. "Darkness of Hell." Ethan said. "When both come as one." Y/N said. "A conflict is born." Ethan said. "Heaven and Hell's Ray of Conflict." The two yelled. One hand holding the other. Another hand out in front of them. Soon a blinding light shot out of Y/N's hand, followed by a dark shadow shooting out of her brother's. Soon, the shadow minions were hit. All fell out of the sky and dissapeared into nothingness. "Wow, *pant* i cant *pant* believe we *pant* did it." Ethan said. Y/N looked at her brother and smiled confidently. "Now *cough* we have *cough* only a few hundred more *cough* *cough* to go." Y/N answered in between coughs. Ethand and Y/N botb stood up. The guild was cheering. "Ok guys leave the rest of them to us." Cana said patting them both on the shoulders. Y/N and Ethan shook their heads. "No worries we'll do it together." Y/N said with a closed eye smile. Ethan nodded. Cana smiled. "Okay lets get to it then." She said. Ethan and Y/N nodded. Only a hundred more to go.

~Time Skip~
The Phantom Lord guild was now defeated. And everyone was celebrating. Y/N walked up to Loke. "Here." She said, handing him Lucy's keys. "Your gonna wanna give 'em to her. I know you will. Since your such a gentleman." She said. Loke smiled softly and hugged Y/N. Y/N smiled. "Thank you. But i dont have much time." He said. Y/N's eyes widened, as she remembered.
"I dont have much time." Her mother said.
~Flashback End~
"S-sure you do." She answered choking back tears. "I know you're just joking Loke." She finished, laughing a bit. "Haha." Loke laughed. "Well you got me." He said. Y/N let out a soft sigh. "Make sure to give Lucy her keys okay." Y/N told him. Loke smiled. "You got it sweet-cheeks." He said. "God I hate your nicknames for me." Y/N laughed as she walked to her brother. "Now they all know our true power." Y/N said. "Not all. Only our guild mates who were fighting for us did." Ethan said back. "Yeah." Y/N said. "But, maybe we could protect her." Ethan said. "I mean her dad could come back you know." He finished. Y/N nodded I know. "But doesnt it suck." She said. "What?" Ethan asked. "We have to stay 17 forever now." Y/N said. The two were sitting in the back of the basement. "Yeah, just because we used the magic spell too early." Ethan said. They both shrugged. "Guess were like true spirits now." Y/N whispered. "Yeah, since they dont seem to age." Ethan whispered back. The two laughed a bit. "Im worried." Y/N said. "For what?" Ethan asked. "Im worried for Lucy." Y/N finished. "I mean her dad hired a whole guild to kidnap her."
Y/N said. Ethan nodded. "Yeah." He said. "Maybe we could you know help her." Y/N said. Ethan nodded. "Yeah, but that'd mean we'd have to stay in the spirit world." Ethan said. "No, cause were not full celestial spirits Ethan." Y/N said. "We could stay with the guild." Y/N added. "We'll just tell her to use our key in emergencies." Y/N said. "Ok, fine." Ethan said. "Besides its to protect the ones we love." Y/N said. "So it'll be worth it.

So, your guild found out your true power. Too bad they dont know that the magic is celestial spirit magic. Wait no, that's good. Now, I can write the next chapter and post it in two days. Yes two days cause tomorrow im posting on my one shot book. Anyways i decided to give up on saying what day im posting. So ill just post every other day. So ill see you guys the next time i post. Bye.
P.s i finished Fairy Tail yesterday ;-; such a sad day for me. Now im reading the manga and im all like. "Now i have to start all over." In a whiney Lucy voice.

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