Chapter 32

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♪☆♪☆ she loved how the sound of his voice disturbed the rhythm of her heart ♪☆♪☆

Lex has breakfast brought to his room. Pancakes. Bacon. Fruit. Eggs. Way more food than I could eat. All of it is delicious though. Lex seems stressed and I don't know why. He isn't exactly in the mood to talk either. After such an amazing night, together I would think he would be in as great a mood as I am.

"What's wrong?" I ask, having had enough of his attitude.

"You were gone. I instantly thought the worst."

I'm confused. "What did you think? That I had been kidnapped or something?"


"Well, what then?"

"That you had ran from me."

His answer takes me back. "Why would I run from you?"

He ignores me. He stands to put on his clothes. My eyes widen when he pulls off his shorts and there is nothing underneath them. I have a full view of his ass. And oh my, he does have a cute one! He shows no shame of his nakedness, not at all like me. His body is so beautiful, almost every inch of him is covered in ink. I'm getting distracted.

"Answer me."

He pulls on his jeans then turns back to me. "Because being with me is not only dangerous, it's......"

"It's what?" I press on.

"It's gonna be a never ending up hill battle of me pushing you away when you get too close."

I stand, move to him, and wrap my arms around his waist. "Then don't push me away."

"I can't help it. It's what I do."

I pull him closer. "I won't run."

He holds me tightly. I mean it. I won't leave him. I live him too much. In over my head, yes. But I don't care.

"You scare me," he mumbles.

"Me? Scare you?"

He nods. "Yeah."


"Because I tell you things....and..... You make me feel things, I don't understand."

Well, at least he feels something. Maybe his father is right. And speaking of which, I have to ask.

"You know, your father surprised me today. I wouldn't think a man like him would be tending to roses. Why doesn't he have someone do it for him?"

"Because my mother loved her roses so much. It was her...special place. And I guess he feels like because it meant so much to her, when she was alive, it still deserves special care, even though she is dead. Maybe more so now, because she isn't here to take care of it herself. He won't let her go. He has expected that she is gone. But he has never really let go."

I still hug him tightly. "She died so long ago. He never found anyone else?"

He shakes his head. "No. Never. At least, not that I know of. And to be honest I would pitty the woman who ever became interested in him. Just because he would never really be able to give his whole self to anyone. Hell, he couldn't even be around when I was a kid, he couldn't even give me any of his time."

I hear the bitterness in his tone. "He told me about that. It must have been hard. Not having him around."

He moves away from me, running his fingers through his hair. I see it. That damn wall of his going up again.

"Don't. Please don't," I beg. "You can talk to me."

He's fighting it. "I don't wanna talk! Not about him! Or any of this fucked up bullshit!"

I don't push him any farther. I can tell he is getting far to angry. If I continue to push him into talking about things, that he isn't ready to discuss than, I am afraid I will lose him. And I can't lose him. So, I take a deep breath and walk to him slowly. I look into his eyes. Pull him close. And place my lips on his.

"It's okay. When you're ready, I will be here to listen."

"How do you do that?" his voice is low.

"Do what?" I ask.

"Calm me down so easily."

I grin. "The same way you make my heart race so fast."

He gives me a crooked grin that sends butterflies fluttering around my stomach.

"That's all I do? Just make your heart race?"

"Well, I would tell you but-"

He cuts me off by kissing me again. This time I end up on the bed with him on top of me. Our make out session lasts for a while but Milo walks in on us. The poor man is more embarrassed by it than we are and he apologizes twice before leaving. Lex explains that Milo always comes in around this time to clean up. If Lex does ever stay the night, he is usually gone by this time. So, we finish getting ready and we leave to swing by my house for me to change clothes.
I find that I like having the house to myself. I can come and go as I please. I can have Lex over when ever I want. Jess may stop by every so often but most of the time, she stays with Chris. Lex relaxes on the couch while I change. It's nice to have him here with me. To have him relax on my couch. It has me imagining what it would be like to live together. Share a space with him.
Lex takes me to lunch before we head to work. While sitting at the restaurant, I get that feeling again. That someone is watching us. I bring it to Lex's attention. He looks around but says he sees nothing strange. The feeling last all through our meal. Lex becomes uncomfortable as well and we leave. Back in his car, I feel safer. Better. But I can tell this is really starting to bother Lex. The muscle twitches in his jaw.
At the shop, the tension in the air is gone between us. Everything is as it should be. Lex is happy. I'm happy. The other artists are in a good mood. Everything is right. But I still have this feeling that something Something isn't right.
I text Jess.
She is fine.
I call Mawmaw.
She is playing bingo and drinking Margaritas.
As far as I know, everyone is fine.
When Lex notices that I'm a bit tense, Lex drags me off to his office. Just for a little fun, which turned into more.
Nate raises a brow when we return to work. I blush and lower my gaze. Nate just shakes his head and goes back to work. Lex, standing at his station, sends me a wink. I grin. I'm greatful that he had taken my mind off of that nagging feeling, for a while, but now that I'm sitting at the desk, that feeling is back.

(Okay guys, I really need some feed back. Please, vote and comment, it keeps me going and I'm in need of a little push. I see that I have many ghost readers, you guys please comment, vote, I just wanna know what you all think. Thanks for reading. Xoxo.)

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