Tanner's a killjoy

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"I could." Kristoff said.

"Lift me up!" Bailey begged.

"Bailey. What do you say?" I questioned.

"Can you please lift me up?" Bailey asked.

"Fine, but only because you asked so nicely." Kristoff chuckled. He picked her up as she scream in delight.

"Bailey! No screaming." Tanner, a boy about eleven, scolded.

"But then how will Krissy know I'm having fun?"

"By telling him. Anyways, Maddie is napping." Tanner replied. Bailey rolled her eyes at him.

"Tanner's a killjoy." Bailey whispered.

"Here we are!" Sally cheered as we walked into the game room. It had plenty of board games and cards laying around the room.

"Can we play go fish?" Lisa asked.

"Sure." I answered. We all sat down in a circle. We mixed three decks of cards together so there would be enough cards for everyone. I passed Eugene the cards and let him shuffle them and deal them. I held my cards close to me so no one would peek.

"I go first!" Lisa cheered. "You."

"Me?" Anna asked. Lisa nodded her head yes.

"Do you have any eights?" Lisa asked.

"Go fish." Anna smiled. Lisa sighed and grabbed a card.

"Krissy. Do you have any aces?" Bailey asked. Kristoff sighed and passed her his two aces. Bailey squealed and placed her four aces in a pile. "What's your name again?"


"Okay, Jack. Do you have any twos?" Bailey questioned. Jack chuckled and passed her a two. "Wow, I'm good at this game. Okay, pretty lady."

"Me?" Elsa asked.

"Yes you. Anyways, do you have any threes?"

"Sorry, go fish." Elsa smiled.

"Curses." Bailey muttered as she picked a new card from the deck.

"Hiccup, got any fours?" Eugene asked.

"Go fish." Hiccup smirked. Eugene rolled his eyes and grabbed a new card.



"Sure, do you have any kings?" Sally questioned.

"Nope. Sorry lassie." Merida smiled. Sally giggled and picked a new card.

"Wapunzel. Do you have any sixes?" Tessa shyly asked.

"I do." I smiled as I handed her my six. She smiled and looked around the room.

"Bailey, do you have any twos?" Tessa questioned. Bailey gasped and handed Tessa her three twos.

"Curse you." Bailey frowned. Tessa giggled and placed her four twos on the ground in a pile.

"Kristoff, do you have any queens?" Tessa blushed.

"Sorry sweetie, go fish." Kristoff replied. Tessa smiled and grabbed a new card.

"Kids! Time for dinner!" Kim called down the hall. Everyone quickly got up and raced to the kitchen. The kids all went and sat in their spots while we stood in the kitchen. "Wow, there's a lot more help today." Kim chuckled.

"These are our friends." I smiled as I introduced each one of them.

"It's nice to meet you guys. Thanks for coming around today." Kim grinned.

"It's no problem. The kids are really sweet." Elsa replied.

"Well, at least today they are. They have their days." Kim smiled as she grabbed the soup bowl and went to each table to pour each child a bowl of soup. I looked over at the high chair and saw Maddie playing with her spoon. I grabbed her high chair and pulled her over towards us.

"Hi Maddie!" I grinned. She laughed as she looked at me and Eugene.

"Hey sweet pea!" Eugene greeted.

"Oh my god! She's so adorable!" Anna gushed. Maddie looked at her confused.

"Awwww! Are you just the cutest thing?" Elsa awed.

"I'm pretty sure I'm cuter." Jack smirked. Elsa lightly slapped his chest.

"Hi there lassie!" Merida greeted as she smiled at Maddie.

"Hot soup coming through!" Kim warned as she walked behind us. She placed the soup on the stove and went to the fridge. She pulled out some leftover hot dish and placed it into the microwave. When it beeped, Kim took it out on placed it onto Maddie's tray. "Make sure she eats most of it." Kim said as she walked away.

"Eat up!" Kristoff cheered. Maddie laughed and started eating. Eventually, it was time for us to go home.

"Bye Kim!" We all cheered as we walked out the door.

"Bye! See you soon!" Kim waved.

Hey guys! Long time no see! I hope you enjoyed this small chapter! Thanks for reading. I had school registration today :( And guess what else, volleyball practice starts on Thursday ;( Which means school starts soon! It actually starts on the 24th! So my updates are going to be even farther about! Sorry guys! I know, I'm dying on the inside too! Well, see ya in the next update! 

BTW: The picture is supposed to be of Rapunzel and Maddie.

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