We all stop and look at him. "Wha?" Mayra asks confused. "What the bloody hell are doing here? We thought you left." Anastasia sasses. Harry looks lost and so CUTE! He looks just like him! "I... uh.. forgot my keys." He says looking at the ground, probably feeling stupid.

I couldn't help my big smile. I stand up and hug him tight. "Your so fucking cute..." I mumble to him. I pull back and he looks taken back. I smile at him before winking. "I gotta go guys. But I promise I'll be here tomorrow after I get out of the studio cause, I'm be in there all night." I tell them. They all pout. I laugh, shaking. "You guys all look so adorable pouting. I swear." I tell laughing as they all wink.

"Nooooooo! Don't go!" Mayra yells. I smile before hugging each one of them. "I'm gonna miss you!" bry yells, as Niall wraps his arms around her small waist from behind. "We all will.." Alice says smiling. I playfully roll my eyes. "Guys. I'm gonna be back tomorrow. I'm not leaving forever." I tell them. "Are you sure?" Harry quietly mumbles from behind me. I ignore it and smile before I walk towards the door.

"Bye guys! I'll see you all tomorrow!" I yell waving and smiling before I walk out. I stand there in front of their door, when it hits me. Fuck... I don't have a god damn ride! I sigh and walk back in feeling like a dumbass. I walk over to their living room and see everyone cuddling with their girlfriends but, Harry who shoving chips in his mouth. I giggle. A lil too loud.

Everyone turns and sees me and smile wide. "SEL!" They all yell. I grin and flip my hair. "Guys! It's been like.... forever!" I said trying my hardest to act like a spoil rich girl. They all laugh and shake their heads. "What's up?" Alice asks. I give them a cheeky smile. "I don't have a car......." I tell them. They all smile shaking their heads. "I'll take you." I hear a deep husky voice I know to well say.

I turn and see Harry already standing with his keys in his hands. I smile and nod. I wave at everyone again before walking out with Harry, towards his car.


I burst out laughing, holding on to my stomach from laughing to much. I shake my head and sigh happily. "I remember that day. It was so much fun!" I tell Harry who laughs nodding. "I know love.." he says, before turning a corner and stop in front a big beautiful house. He parks the car in front of the gate and sighs. "I'll see you tomorrow love." he says before we both reach and hug each other. I sigh happily and take in scent. Oh lord..... He smells so good!

I pull back and give him a warm smile, but before I can do anything his lips are on mine. My eyes go wide, but that doesn't stop me from closing my eyes and kissing back. When I know I need air I pull back and smile at him. "Bye." I whisper before getting out and running towards the door entrance on the side. I quickly put in the code and run in giggling like a school girl. I wave one more time at Harry, who waves back smirking. I jump up in excitement and run inside.

I close the door and lean against it smile wide. I hear Harry drive away and that's when I actually scream like a fangirl. "HOLY!!!!" I yell squealing. Just then Justin pops out with sweats and no shirt, and a ice-cream in his hand. "What th-" he starts but I run up to him and hug him squealing. "HI JAYBOO!" I yell happily, kissing his cheek before running upstairs leaving a confused Justin behind.

I get out of the shower still happy as hell. I change into sweats, a tanktop and an oversized hoodie. I grab my iPhone and click speed dial #2. It rings 3 times before she picks up. "Hay gurl hay!" Erika yells on the side of the line. "Hay gurl hay!" I yell back giggling. "What up babe?" she asks me. I grin and take a deep breath. "I made out with mr. dimples!" I squeal before running back inside the bathroom just in case Justin walks in our conversation.

"WHAT NO FUCKING WAY! ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS!? HOLY! SELLY THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING!" She yells happily, before we both squeal. "Sel?" Justin voice was on the other side and I calmed down. "Yah?" I reply. "Are you almost done? I thought you had to be at the studio at 7?" he asks me. "I know. I'm just fixing my hair." I lie. I had put my hair up in a messy bun. What?... I'm gonna have to be comfy for an all nighter....

"Justin?" Erika asks through the phone slightly annoyed. I laugh and nod. "Yup. How was your day with Tom?" I ask her sitting on the edge of the tub. She squeals. "Amazing! Like always. My tomtom never fails to amaze me." she tells me sighing dreamily. I laugh and shake my head. "But forget about that right now SELLY! What was it like to kiss him all over again?" she asks me. I smile dreamily thinking about him. "Amazayn. HE never fails to amaze ME. I feel like I'm gonna fall all over again." I tell her and sigh.

"Then fall." she tells me. I furrow my eyebrows. "Wha?" I asks her. "Fall selly. He's gonna be there to catch you. Trust me.." she tells me. I shake my heads as tears come to my eyes. "What's about Justin, Erika? He was always there for me and him. I don't wanna hurt him by falling for mr.dimples all over again" I tell her my voice cracking. "You know he sees him as his....." I tell her as she sighs.

" I know.. I know. But I want you to be happy and if Harry makes you happy. Then so be it. You always put others before yourself and I'm tired of it. Your turn now. Fall and don't be afraid to let go to fully fall..." she tells me. "Babe? Come on.." I hear a voice say from the other line. "I'm coming babe. I'm just talking to selly." Erika tells Tom. I smile before wiping a tear that fell. "I have to go Erika. I have to be at the studio in 30." I tell her.

She sighs. "Okay. We're gonna finish this later Kay? I love you. Take care. I'll call you later." Erika says and I smile. "Kay. I'll call you later. Bye. love you too Erika." I say before we both hang up.

I walk out and see Justin laying on the bed talking to someone on the phone, while running a hand through his hair. He looks so stress. I sigh and sit crisscross besides him. "No. Look... I'm tryi-" he tried to explain but he couldn't, which made him more stress.

"Fine. I'll be there in 15. Bye." he says before hanging up. "What's wrong?" I ask him concerned. He shakes his head let out a long sigh. "I have to be back in the studio. One of the workers deleted all the songs I recorded yesterday. Fuckkkkkk..." he yells standing up and shaking his head. I stand up and grab his arm. "Didn't they save them o-" I ask but he cuts me off. "No. Everything I finished is gone! Gone!" he yells angry.

He pulls his arm back and quickly puts on his hoodie, a snapback, and his supras. "I'll be back tomorrow." he says and grabs his keys and walks out without another word. I sigh and grab my own keys, slipping my converse on and grabbing my phone before walking downstairs. I quickly grab my purse and walk out locking the door. I walk over to my car unlocking it and getting in. I grab my drake cd and blast it.

I back out and leave the garage. I quickly open the gate before driving away and to the studio and all I can think about is Harry and that kiss.... and I get some lyrics in my head. I grin.

I wanna be your bad girl......

A/n: hope you like it ^.^

Bye :)

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