*take off two*

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{A.N for this chapter , the songs I listened ti were

-Strong -one direction {one of my favouritesfrom the album

Also please excuse the errors I didn't have time to go over the chapter }

skepping with a broken heart -John Mayer.

Drunk ; Ed Sheeran

Chances -by Five For Fighting

I had them on repeat ..

and please vote , comment and share the story!(: }

*Jasmine POV*

"I guess, I'll go to sleep." I whispered, and looked out the window

"Everything is green , and it looks like nothing to worry about. " I said to my self.

"Jazz?" I heard Jayla Whisper

"Yes?....I thought you were asleep ?" I added

"I thought you were too ." She said , and uncertainty filled her voice ; mean while she was opening her tray to put her head down.

"What's up with you lately?", she asked while I was opening my tray and putting my head down.

"N-nothing why?" I said furrowing my eyebrows together.

'She's on to us' My inner goddess spoke, biting her nails.

"You seem well...no real way to describe it, just a little more moody than usual, I guess" She said in questions.

"I don't know, I feel like.. well honestly.. I don't know.. I think I'm going to be starting my period soon is why, and a lot has happened since my last one. I've just been stressing a lot, and now my dad is in the hospital...I don't know..." I said rubbing my eye, so a tear didn't escape.

"Jazz.. you know I'll be here for you, no matter what, thick or thin, I was here from the very beginning and I sure as hell with be here to the end." She said before, slowly drifting in to a deep sleep ,and I turning my head back to the window.

"Excuse me, Ma'am ?" I heard a woman ask.

"Yes?" I turned my head away from the window.

"I just wanted to apologize for my behavior." She said, I was going throw some smart remark at her, but I could see her story threw her eyes, but mostly sorrow and pain.

"Oh, it's fine, m'sorry as well , I've just been a little moody, well stressed, going to Ireland is supposed to be a vacation, but I have to go to hospital, and ..yea.." I said stopping before getting further into my life.

"Oh and the Pilot heard about you're father, he's a brave CEO, on of the bravest. ~She states~'wait CEO?!?' I think to my self.

"I know your father, I'm one of his flight attendants , when ever her he goes on a work trip , on his jet , I'm his flight attendant.~ she coos~ well I better get going, first class is a hassle," She added and with that she leaves.

"No, baby.. I'm sorry, I love you .. PLEASE! Don't..no..Don't do this to me please." Niall cried/yelled then whispered, in his sleep.

"Niall ~I shook him~ Niall wake up, It's just a dream." I said and side-hugged him.

"Babe? ~he looked almost shocked to see me~ I'm sorry, I love you, so, so, so much, Promise me you'll never leave . you'll never run away from me." He said with ...what fear? worry?, in his voice.

'What the fuck is this?' My inner goddess spoke , leaving me speechless

'Bring it up later.' My self conscious reminds me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2015 ⏰

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