what happened?

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I can hear people talking , I can hear people sniffling , but one voice caught my attention .

"Hey , baby , every things going to be okay . Jay , and Johnnie are here with me , but they're in the waiting room , It's just me in here . Johnnie told the Doctor , that I was your teacher , and that they ran into me , in your neighborhood , , I told him I was visiting some family . Then I came here with them , to make sure you were okay. '- he pause , I heard him sniffle . 'no , niall .... no baby ..don't cry .. please ..' I thought in my head .

His hand was on mine , they were soft , he was holding mine tight , I wanted to give him a faint squeeze to let him no I was okay, but it just didn't bulge . -' and , baby just please ...please ..please be okay ..please you have my heart .. and with out you here with me , theirs no US , I need you with me .." He was cut off by the door opening .

"Are you her , boyfriend ? " I heard a male voice ask .

"Any good news Dr. Grisby . ?" He asked changing the subject. "Well , she should be wake , and talking by today or tomorrow , you'll be lucky if its today . " He said, right before fell into a deep sleep .

*Niall POV*

I watched Jasmine come into her room , as she came in Johnnie walked out .

"They , left ...both of them .." He said , with a bit of guilt in his eyes

She walked straight into her bathroom , I heard a few shuffles and then silence. I waited for her to come out , but I heard her voice faintly , but I couldn't quite point out exactly what she was saying .

Moments later she came out ... 'what the fuck happened .?' I thought . My eyes grew wide , just as I was going to say something she fainted . "Johnnie ! go get the car started!! Jayla , get her a sweat shirt and some pants , grab in yours and Johnnies phone ,and meet me in the car .!" I yelled as I reached for the towel , in the bathroom sink , I ripped a piece off , and tied it around her wrists . I ran out side , she feels so light , so empty .

"Come on baby , stay with me . .. please baby ...please.." I whispered into her hair , and then I kissed her forehead . "Johnnie , take us to the County Hospital !, and quick!" I yelled looking at her wrists , and holding them above her head , so the blood would coming out .

"We're here , Come on Jay , help with her clothes please . Johnnie , park the car , I'll text you where we are when I get in ." I yelled as he drove off in to the parking lot to find a parking . "EMERGENTCY !! She's dying ! I need your best men on her now! ! " Jayla yelled as tears pricked the corners of her eyes . "its going to be okay Jay , she's going to be fine . " I said in a promising tone . ' I hope she's going to be okay, I really do.' I thought while I embraced Jayla in a hug . "woah! woah! wait, where are you taking her ?! " I yelled/asked . " to clean and stich up her cuts , she lots a lot of blood , just by looking at your shirt and her clothes , she'll need blood to be given to her , I take it your her father ?" The nurse asked .

"No ,im her ...~ teacher he's our teacher , and he isgoing to stay and help us , because he wants too, and her father wont be able t make it ,so any decisions that need to be made will be ,by me him or Johnnie , now how much blood does she need we have the same blood type . " Jayla said , controlling her tears .

"She'll need 3 pints ." I looked at the nurse and she gave me an apologetic look . "that's fine , ill give her thr~ no you can only gice her one and half pints , of blood . " The nurse said cutting Jayla off , who seemed t be getting pissed . "Jay what type of blood do you have ?" I asked her trying to keep her calm "type . AB." "I have the same well give the other half to her . " I agreed .

With that Jayla and I walked in to a room ,they stuck the needle in my arm after finding my vein , causing me to flinch . "Jayla , you okay ? " I asked because I here her sniffle . "What if she isn't okay ? What if I lost her ?" She said . I pulled the curtain that was separating us open . "She's fine , she's strong . "

*A threes days an a half later*

Jasmine is still in the hospital . In the same bed , I haven't returned to school , as well as Jay and Johnnie .

I walked in her room , and sat by her in a chair near her bed , I clasped my hand with hers and sat there for a moment .

"Hey , baby , every things going to be okay . Jay , and Johnnie are here with me , but they're in the waiting room , It's just me in here . Johnnie told the Doctor , that I was your teacher , and that they ran into me , in your neighborhood , , I told him I was visiting some family .

Then I came here with them , to make sure you were okay. '- I paused ,trying to hold back my tears , I let a faint sniffle out and began to finish what I was saying -' and , baby just please ...please ..please be okay '-I began to sob silently -' .. please you have my heart .. and with out you here with me , theirs no US , I need you with me .." I was cut off by the door opening .

"Are you her , boyfriend ? " I heard the doctor ask . "Any good news Dr. Grisby . ?" I asked changing the subject. "Well , she should be wake , and talking by today or tomorrow , you'll be lucky if its today . " He said, while writing something on the white board near her bathroom , just above the light switch .

It had her name , her birthday ,the day she came in , her medicine names , how good her blood is or how bad it is, and if she breathing on her own or not, and the nurses name that's assisting her .

"well, her blood is at normal where it should be ,-' he said walking to the side of her bed -' and she's breathing on her own ,her stiches are healing perfectly , -'he said lifting her hand to examine , the now forming scars .-' and I know is none of my business , but if it were up to me , it looks like your her boyfriend , I mean you stay here night and day , -' he was looking at the time ,on his wrist -' oh I should get going I have to see few other patients before I leave ." He said and walked out the door .

"Oh , jasmine wake up today , please I need you ... please . " I said , I heard a faint knock at the door . "who is it , ?" "I'ts Jay and Johnnie , " They sang . "come in ." I assured them . " Its about 8:30 pm and I normally go to stay up to see if she was going to wake up but I just needed sleep. Jayla , and Johnnie deicide to camp out , so I didn't get 'lonely ' ,and because they wants to see if jasmine woke up .

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