Birthday Gone Bad

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*Jasmines POV*

"ahhh!~'yaun' today's going to be a good day, all because its my birth-"I said to my self but I stopped in the middle of my sentence .

Then I looked at my calendar, and noticed it was Feb ,12 the day my mom died, she died when I was 12,it was the best day to me because i turned thirteen and my mom promised me she would take me to go shopping, and because I was finally a teenager , she got off of work at 5:00 .


She was on her way home when my dad told me to get dressed we are going to the London hospital . We arrived at the hospital, and I notice all of my family there, my dad was crying and I didn't know anything.

I got out of the car, and my dad grabbed my hand, and we enter the hospital together hand in hand, I could feel the grip of his hand, squeeze mine hand harder and harder, and my dad told me to sit down, so I did as I was told. I seen my grandpa, grandma, and my aunts and uncles and a few of my older and younger cousins.

Everyone was crying, so I decided to ask one of my closest cousins what was going one she said "I'm sorry for you loss", I looked at her, and was like "what do you mean my loss?" she said "your- before she could finish the sentence my dad walked back, from talking to the doctor. ..

He said, "Jasmine hunny,i..i..I'm so ,so ,so sorry, " I pulled my dad in for a hug, and he cried on my shoulder, I said, "dad what wrong, why are you saying sorry, what  is going on?"

"Well, Hunny" he paused, "your mom was on her way home, and she, she uhhm' umm she was in a car accident, she - I cut him, off, and said "on my birthday??!! Really??!! I..I..Is she okay?"  

~I starting shedding in tears, and I finish what I was saying,~~

"I  just want to see her, I..I.. I don't care I..I..I -' before I finished, I ran, to look for the room she was in ,I soon found her room, and in stead of her heart rate beeping  it had a lines going up and down. 

I walked to the side of her bed, and brushed her face, and she told me happy birthday, and that she loved my and she was sorry, I replied to her" Mom its not your fault that bastard was on the phone and he wasn't watching the rode. and mom I love you too." She said "Hunny, make sure you take care of your dad, and tell him I love him and please make sure you keep me happy, okay, and please -she started to take a breath, she inhaled, then she released the air and once again inhaled ," please what mom?" I said in a shakily but semi-demanding way, "please tell you dad to never forget me and I love you and I will never stop loving him, oh-" this time she inhaled and released the air once again, but her pattern ended, she didn't inhale any air, she sat there with he mouth, open, and her eyes slowly closed, she looked peaceful, but uncomfortable, the beeping from the machine began, and I covered her, and I walked out crying, not because of my birthday ,but because I want to know was else she want to me to do, and the fact I wont ever have a mother to help me with my self when I get other.


My dad walked in my room, and seen my crying  ,he said," darling, your mom wouldn't want you crying on your birthday, she want you to be happy, and to enjoy your day of school., okay?" he gave me a reasurring look .

I nodded and grabbed my clothes and hopped in the shower and I washed up and got out brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair and then I got my clothes on I had some toms, some jean shorts, and an tannish' shirt that showed tummy my slightly, I found the out fit really cute,  then I made loose curls and put a little bit of foundation on along with some eye-liner and maskera. I walked down stairs and my dad was waiting for me and said, "WOW!, Hey 18 year old, how do you feel?" "fresh, and happy, and later on today Jayla, Johnnie ,and I are going to cemetery to visit mom, okay ? " I said and he looked and nodded his head, my dad was hardly home, and he hardly knew about my life, he was at work way to much, he work day and night. He didn't even have to weekends off.

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