'What if' questions

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*Jasmines POV*

"where are we?" I asked waking from a nap

"Just arrived in Maidstone , we're near the airport , about ten minutes , if that " Niall said .

"Oh." Was all I said , he made me slightly mad , for coming , for Christian , anyway .

"Jay " I whispered .

"Yea? , and why are we whispering.?" She responded , whispering as well.

"Because , I have a question , and I don't want to ask Niall.." I whispered back .

"Wait , Jazz are you pregnant ?!" She whisper yelled.

"No, I'm a virgin, but what if Niall's Parents ...well...you know..." I

".....no ..I don't know..." She responded , not whispering , because we we're getting out of the car and grabbing our suit cases .

"Well , what if they don't like me.?" I said rushing to Jayla's side who was nearly , at the doors of the Maidstone Airport.

[a.n if you guys are wondering , Maidstone is in the UK , but I don't know if their is an airport , I just looked on Bing Maps .]

"Babes , look here ~ she stopped at the line to get our bags checks , and to walk threw the metal-detector~ they'll love you! , I mean what the hell is there to not love?! , You are , beautiful , kind , caring , loveable , responsible , trustworthy , bright , smart , and you even have a dark side to you , and you are going to graduate high school , and go to collage like we've always planned . You are perfect for Him , and His mom and Step dad , are going to love the hell out of you! , and not to mention Johnnie loves you like so much more , because you didn't change your mind about the trip , he and I we're really looking forward to this . " She stated .

"Oh! They're you are! , We couldn't find you guys. " Niall said walking threw the metal detector after us , and grabbing his things.

"Hey , babe" He said kissing my temple .

I smile , as saying  'hello' back.

"Are you okay baby?" He asked and held me by my shoulders , arm length .

"Yes." I simply said .

'dumbass say sentences ! He's going to know something is wrong! ' my inner goddess said throwing her arms in the air .

"You sure?" He asked furrowing his eye-brows together

"Yep." ~face-palm~ "Jazz can I talk to you for a minute?" Jayla said

"Sure." I responded one wordedly

"Calm down Jazz , It'll will be okay! , Your stressing over it to much , I can see you grey hairs already ." She said , knowing how I feel about them , and her Grey hair.

"WHAT!?" I freaked .

"I'm joking , calm down though I wasn't joking about that." She said very seriously

"Jay how can I calm down , when I'm worried that the love of my lives , parents might not like me?!" I said a bit louder than I intended too ., well loud enough for Niall to hear and Johnnie , and the little lady sitting next to me .

"Baby , come ere'" Niall said.

I lazily got up , and sat next to him .

"NO, on my lap." He demanded .

"fine." I said not wanting to argue .

"They're going to love you.... I promise, Mom ...Maura , she'll love you..and~ Niall?" He was cut off , by a male voice.

"Holy shit ! Hey guys! Babe this is Louis and Harry. " He said and my head snapped to Jayla whose Head snapped to Johnnie , who ran to sit next to Jayla .

"Hi." I squeaked, holding my laugher in.

"Niall , look at Johnnie . " I whispered in his ear.

"Watch this babe ." He whispered back.

"Lads , this is Johnnie , and that's Jayla." He gestured toward them . 

Jayla was laughing ridiculously much , and Johnnie was blushing like crazy .

"I'm sorry , did I miss something?" Harry said 

"Johnnie , they're is gay and~ really? oh my gosh , he is gorgeous , I'm going to make a move before Louis does!" He said sitting next to Johhnie , who was still blushing like crazy , and Jayla on the other hand , pointing at them and laughing like crazy.

*Niall pov*

 "Babe , look at Jayla's face..." She said taking a deep breath from laughing so much.

"Hey Niall. "A horrifying voice calls my name .

 I turn my head to see who it was , and whoop-di-fucking-doo , it was my ex .

"Oh , come on don't play dumb with me Now Niall... It's me ... Christen, your EX." She emphasized .

"Can you shut up , we're having a good time here , we don't need Ex's right now , and tell my boyfriend to 'stop playing dumb' again , your ass will have blood all over it. Now leave before I loose my flight because of you . " Jasmine said , making Christen smack her gum , and do a stank face .

"UM, Excuse you , but I was talking to my Snowflake." She said

'oh no , hold  your girl , you betta hold'a' My inner goddess spoke.

"Look bitch , I wasn't asking you, I was telling you... Now go fix your fucking make-up of something." Jazz fired back .  

"Not , going to happen , Not until you give me my snowflake back ." Christen Spat back .

Christen is a highschool girlfriend , broke up with her , because she was cheating on me with a fucking freshmen , and we were Seniors . 

With out thinking , Jasmine jumped out of her seat and reached for Christens face .

"Woah babe ! " I said and pulled her back by her waist .

"He's mine you fucking hood rat!" Jasmine , said as she struggled to get out of my grip . 

I turned her around , to face me .

"Woah ! Baby , calm down .. she isn't worth it , she's lower than Cynthia .. and I love the feistiness , but right now our flight is being called , some come on . " I said , and put her on my back , while I grabbed our carry on.

"Stupid ,bitch ." She mumbled

'Gee , Niall something is really wrong... ' my self cautious spoke . 

"Niall ... " Jasmine said , as I sit her down on the seat in the plane.

"Yes babe ?" I said , as I sat down and watched her put her seat belt on , and making sure it is on safely .

"Kiss the hell out of me , please . " She asked , with the most glossy eyes .

"I thought you'd never ask ." I said , and put my hand on her cheek and tilted my head in , and kissed her , like the kiss at my house , when I fell on the floor.

"Niall when we get to Ireland , after we see Christian , ~your dad ,  He budded in, ~after we see , and your Mum, lets have some us time.." She said as Jayla took her seat next to her , and Johnnie sat next to Louis and Harry , who were also going to visit my mum and step dad , and our other cousins .

"Yes, baby ... Yes.." I said and bit her lip .

"ah." She moaned

"Not here.." I added , while a shade of blush appeared on her clear , clean beautiful face  , and she turned her face to hide .

 "Don't hide baby , it's a turn on that I make you blush .." I confessed ,feeling my cheeks burn .

"It's a turn on when you call me by my full name " She retorted back .

"OH! You mean like Jasmine Mae Evans ?" I said kissing her .

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