Trip to Maidstone!

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*Johnnie POV*

"Wake up!!! We have to be at the airport EARLY!!  , and you don't want to be late  Johnnie now do you ?" Niall said running in my room .

"Fuck no! Get those girls up now!" I said running I to Jaylas 'hibernation' .

"Just playing flight isn't until four and

, keep this in mind when you wake Jay up , tell her I'm eating her food but I'll be in Jasmine's room waking her up." He said before walking out of my room .

"Jay Niall is eating a..."he better not be eating my food ." She jumped out of her sleep .."I was going to say .be for your rudely interrupted me , that Niall is eating some cereal , and did you want some but never mind , oh and we all have to get up now or we'll be late . " I said and walked out the room .

*Niall POV*

"Jasmine." I said Knocking on her door , and entering .

I found a note that read ;

Hey babe! ,or Jay , or Johnnie ! , who ever is reading this ;) , I went out to buy a few things! Don't eat anything!. because I'm going to buy McDonalds !! I'm not ready yet , I only went to buy some tooth paste , I needed . I ran out! ,I also went to buy some snacks for the plane okay , and by the time you read this , I might be home . xx


"Well , that why she's not here ." I said aloud to my self .


I heard from her flat , I never answer the door to her house but today I guess I will.

"Who is it?!" I yelled threw the door .

"Jai Nelson!" He replied .

"OH SHIT!" I said and ran to get Johnnie .

"Johnnie ! Jai is here ! The principle !" I whisper/yelled

"I got it ." He said and ran down stairs .

*Johnnie POV*

"Hey , Johnnie , is Jasmine here?" Mr. Nelson asked .

"No , she left this morning to buy McDonalds." I replied Honestly .

"Oh, Okay..... well.... can you tell her this for me?..." He paused .

"Tell her.... Her dad took off the work Vacation ,so he was there for only a week , and ...he was on his way back when...well when he was getting on the plane in Ireland , He was going to the bank to get money out for Jasmines Birthday Gift , and to apologize to her for everything ....and . he was in the middle of a bank robbery ...he was shot twice in his right rib cage , and his right shoulder. He's in Ireland General Hospital . Tell her that he's fine , but he desperately wants to see her ." He said before excusing him self..

'what the hell I cant tell her that.?!? ' I thought ..

*Jasmine POV*

"Hey Johnnie!" I ran threw the door with 3 bags of McDonalds , and two bags from local Save Mart .

"Jazz I need to talk to you.... erm .... your dad took his work trip thing off ...he's in Ireland ....and he went to the bank to get money out the bank for your birthday gift , and to apologize to you for everything , and he was in the middle of a Bank Robbery  , ......~he hesitated as he looked at my face~ ...he was shot the rib cage , and in his shoulder ...he's in Ireland .... and he's fine ... he desperately wanting to see you..." I finished 

"My daddy? ...."

'THIS BASTARD HOW DARE HE LIE TO YOU' my inner goddess spoke , triggering me to pop off.

My P.E Teacher [Niall Horan]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora