Second Period

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As I was walking to class , I heard chuckles. "Mr. Horan is so hot! , I'd ride him like a horse." I heard Cynthia say. "oh that bitch!" I said to my self . I ran into Johnnie and Jayla . "Hey babes" I said ,"Hey " I got from them . "How are you going to pull this hole dating the teacher thing?"  Johnnie whispered . "just act like before "I said unsurely . "We'll follow , Mrs. Evans ." and they followed me into the gym , and I seen Mr. Horan , it was hard to not make eye contact , and if we did it was hard to not run up to him and kiss him .

"Jasmine! " Jayla yelled ."Mr. Horan has been calling you for the last 5 minutes ." Johnnie added . As I was walking to his office I earned  bunch of 'ouuu's and 'omg shes in trouble ' . I entered his office looking down , and shutting the door .

"erm... you wan~ I was cut off but his lips crashing on to mine. His plumb and pink lips on to mine. "oh my god , you cant do that here ,!" I whispered yelled . "were going out for lunch , " He said hugging me and pushing his head into my neck , and kissing it softly . "can Jayla and Johnnie come?" I asked "yes!".

 He said Happily. *knock on the door* "fuck" I whispered yelled . We sat down as if he was talking to me about something that was bothering me. "so ,are~ come in" He cut him self off.

"Hey guys , so uhm , like Johnnie like accidentally spiked the ball at Cynthia's face , and she's crying , an Johnnie is holding in his laughter , and I didn't know what to do , so like yea. " "No , you did the right thing , telling the teacher was the right choice ."

I said patting Niall's abbs . "right" He said . I was walking out of his office when he grabbed my bum . "don't do that  " I had the urge to kiss him but I smacked his abbs . I made it seem like I was pissed off , 'all part of playing hard to get ' I said to my self . "you know you aren't mad

' He hissed with a chuckle.

"watch this!" I said to Jayla  , as I was I just passing Niall . "ahh!" I said fake falling. Niall quickly ran , to check on me . "OH MY GOD , Jasmine are you okay?!" He ask really worried , "oh my god my head " I said faking . "okay get up." he said and helped me off of the ground .

"I got you back " I said , trying not to burst into laughter .  "for what ?" He asked innocently "the bum grabbing " I said

"Uhm , Mr.Horan , " Jake said , on of the jocks  ~" Cynthia , got spiked in the gead with a ball  should I take her to the nurse?" He questioned .

*Jakes POV*

 "Yes take her and thank you Jake " He said , with out a doubt I picked her up in my arms and carried her out the gym . "Jake are we out?" She said . "yep . come ill take you to the nurse." I sad placing my hand on her back . "no come ere' " she said , she grabbed my hand and pulled me toward her.

"Jake I have the biggest crush on you . " She mumbled . " Well lets go , I'm sorry but I don't date girls who make up rumors about a girls dead mom. " I said and pulled her to the nurses office . "yes Cynthia Martinez ." I said . "we were playing volleyball and the ball hit her head , she thumped her head pretty hard . "

He said to the nurse . "okay come honey ill take care of ya . " She announced . I winked m eye and  flashed the nurse a smile . "thank you Nurse Sherry ." "No problem ., Dear. " she said .

Nurse sherry and I are nearly family. She used to baby sit me ,  in  the early school years . I winked at her to make sure she kept her in there the rest of the day .

I could tell how much she gets on every ones nerves ,so why not do them a favor you , know ? I thought . "I'm back " I said and made a rather astonishing enterance . "Nice to have you back Jake  , please take a seat ." the principle was in our room , and I never got on with him , I stood there in shock , remembering how he accused me of trashing the school , and kicking me out . I looked at Mr. Horan , and pleaded me to sit , . 

I could see how much he wanted me to, so I did as I was told . "as I was saying we always have an assembly about the bully thing , but this year , I will be on the school and how it looks ~ a bunch of groans and aw mans and ughs were made ~" ay shhh!" Mr .Horan announced , and looked relieved . "thank you ill be leaving now!" He said rudely and walked out.

My P.E Teacher [Niall Horan]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن