wake up

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I opened my eyes , 'fucking shit , its so bright in here, wait , what happened .' I thought, . "Oh , god I have to .." I stopped my words , I looked to my right , near the window I seen Niall asleep , the first time I seen him sleeping yesterday . "Johnnie move your ass!!" I her Jayla yell , "Jay!" I screamed , I feel like I've been asleep for weeks. "oh hey jazzy ." She said , and lied her head back down . I furrowed my eye brows ,. "Jasmine! "she screeched and got up from the ground , "I thought you left me!" She said starting to cry .

"no don't cry please , im here to stay ." I said hoping it would make her stop crying . "why'd you'd it jazz ? " She ask , looking me in the eyes . "I just couldn't take it anymore , with my dad , missing my mom , hiding my relationship , I just couldn't take it , so I went in my bathroom , and got my razors and -' please don't , say it . " she asked cutting me off . "Baby?" Niall said sleep taking , "please wake up , please . pleas babe I love you and I need you . " He said 'he loves me ' I thought

"He's having a nightmare ,." I said trying to get up so I could , wake him up an go pee .

"no you have to stay in bed jazz ,."

"But I have to pee. "

"fine go ahead." She said throwing her hand up in defense

I got up , and walked to the bathroom , I did my business and then I began to wash my hands , but I seen my wrist ,

'this is ugly! ' I thought . I looked in the mirror , I'm pale , not to much , but I am . "Jazz , the Doctors here to see you." I heard

"yes?" I said as I opened the door, the now empty washroom .

"How , are you feeling ?" The doctor asked me ,

"I'm fine can I go home ?"

"no , baby you have to stay here for a while ." Niall said

It got quiet for a brief moment .

"so you are her boyfriend ! I knew it, you were so sincere to her when she was asleep . "

I watched Niall' face go from his normal skin color , to pale .

"Don't worry kid , you guys' secret is safe with me . After all ,that's how my relationship started , but she was 18 . and I was 21 ." The doctor said , putting his clip board to his side .

"That's how old we are I'm 18 , and he's 21 , well his birthday is , Saturday ,the 17 ." I said side-hugging Niall.

Everyone , suddenly went blank ,like I had said something wrong , or they went in to some hypnotizing thing .

"Jasmine my birthday past ." Niall said ,breaking the tension ."wait , what do you mean your birthday PAST?!" I said trying to remember ... "wait how long have I been ,, asleep er..... -' I paused thinking of the right word-' dead?" I said looking at everyone , but still no response , "Jayla ...-' she didn't even bulge . -' Johnnie....-' he was as stiff as a rock -' Niall ... - ' I said walking toward him .

"Niall , please tell me , something , please baby..." I said putting my hand on his neck moving to his jaw , and patiently waiting for an answer .

"you were .... down... for almost five days , they wanted to pull the plug , on the third night . Friday morning , Saturday , Sunday , Monday , and you're up today ." He said wrapping his arms slick , and slow around my waste , and hugging me tight . "I almost lost you .....-' he paused he was crying while holding me . -' please don't ever do that again , please baby ....please , I don't want to live life with-out you , I know its only been a few days , but when you ..well you know.... I almost died , and I noticed how much ....I love you ... . " He said pulling himself together, " Almost 5 days ..... don't cry baby ..please .... I wont do it again ..... and Niall.... -' I said placing a hand on his chin lifting it up so he and I could make 'eye-contact' -' I love you too ,and I'm sorry you didn't get to spend your 21 birthday the way you planned ...-' oh no baby I was going to be with you anyway ..." He said cutting me off .

"Jayla thanks , and Johnnie ! I love you guy so much , for everything.!" I said embracing them into the biggest hug ever .

"we love you too , too much to loose you ....-' Johnnie released me from the hug and Jayla and I were hugging -' you have a wonderful boyfriend ... he stayed every single night , and he stayed up talking to you ,.. He told me the first night .. and the rest to the time you were here too. Johnnie and I stayed at your house at night , and during the day we came here , all day ... we even snuck in a few times , it wasn't easy but we did , just for you ... " she said and kissed my cheek .

"he really stayed every single night ? , I did here him talking a few time while I was sleeping ., " I replied .

"Well . Ms. Evans your free to go after you get your discharge papers ." The doctor said . "thanks doc , and where are my ..~ here they are " Niall said ad handed me my clothes .

I walked in the bathroom , changed and threw my black hoodie over my head , with that we left to my house .

My P.E Teacher [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now