"Yeah, she's okay. Seeing her therapist once a week. I wouldn't say she is recovered completely but she is well on her way. I'm so proud of her." Dinah's cheeks heat up, and she won't bring attention to it, but she teared up a little as well.

"That's great to hear, girls." Brittany smiles brightly. She rubs the younger blonde on her back a little before standing up and heading over to fix herself a coffee. The teenagers in the kitchen fall into their own conversation about who knows what. Teenager drama is all Anna can guess. The smaller woman stands up and wraps her arms around her girlfriend from behind. "You'll never guess who it is."

"Hmm, is it Beyoncé?" Brittany smiles as she turns around in Anna's arms, but lets it fall when she sees the woman. "You're not Beyoncé."

"And you're not funny." The feisty thirty year-old laughs. She leans in to kiss her longtime girlfriend.

"You know, that was really nice of you to ask Lauren to come with you."

"I'm just trying to let her have a nice experience in New York." She shrugs.

"I can tell that you asking her means a lot. Make sure that she has a good time alright?"

"Of course, honey."

"Who knew that the girl with the tattoos and permanent grimace that I met in the showers would have a heart?"

"Oh you're so funny." Anna rolls her eyes.

"And the sarcasm returns." The blonde sighs playfully. "Go finish your breakfast, I didn't slave over it just for you to not eat it." She taps the DJ on her small butt, urging her to go sit back down at the island with the teenagers.

"What do you guys plan on doing today?" Anna asks, before placing some more waffle bites in her mouth.

"Sleeping until Lauren gets back." Camila mumbles.

"Why are you so tired? You and Lauren get up to some business last night?" Dinah snorts.

"What?! No! And don't even talk about us! 'Ugh, Dinah, do that again' 'Dinah, don't stop' 'Dinah, I'm coming!'" the Latina mocks, laughing.

"Shoo, that must've been a wild dream you were having, Mila, because I don't know what you're talking about." The blonde blushes, and reaches to eat a piece of Lauren's mango slices. Last night when Dinah attempted to leave her girlfriend high and dry she literally almost got murdered, so of course she gave in. And like always, Mani wasn't exactly quiet.

"Wait, you guys had sex in our guest room?" Anna asks, grimacing.

"I'm sorry. My girlfriend is hot." Dinah shrugs, just fully admitting it. She knows Anna or Brittany won't really care. They're really chill like that. Plus, she's never been one to keep her sex life in the dark, she's pretty much an open book.

"I hope you plan on washing those sheets." The older woman narrows her eyes.

"Babe, chill out, we've done worse." Brittany laughs from her position near their Keurig.

"Eh, true." The thirty year-old smirks.

"Y'all are nasty." Ally shakes her head. "Not that anyone cares, but I'm going to a dance workshop today, so I'll be leaving shortly."

"Oh, where is it? I could get Jason to drop you off on the way to work." Anna asks. She takes a sip of her orange juice and looks at her niece expectantly.

"Can you please? It's at Pearl Studios on 8th. I really don't feel like taking the sub."

"That's like a minute away from the studio. Of course, kid."

The Graffiti Artist (Camren/ Norminah)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz