Chapter 22 (Crossover)

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"Dick something wrong with Damian." Barbara comes running downstairs into the living room to find Dick.

"Woah, woah! Barbara slow down!" Dick puts his hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, what what happened? Did he get the wrong amount of caviar with his tea?" Jason mocks Damian with a snooty look on his face. Tim laughs his head off. Then, there was a knock on the door. They all stare at the door on confusion. Dick opens the door to three strange men in suits and one in a trench coat.

"Hello, who are y-"

"FBI," the shorter man says. "We're here to investigate this manor." They show their badges. Jason stands up. He locks eyes with the sorter man and walks over to him.

"I always trust a handsome devil." Jason elbows Dick and let's the men in.

"You're not FBI!" Barbara stops them from getting any farther into the manor.

"Yes we are, I'm officer..." The taller one starts to trail off. "....Smith and this is..." He looks at the shorter one.

"Adams and this is my second partner....Evanson." He points to the one in the trench coat.

"No you're not! You're Sam, Dean and Cas!!" They look surprised that she knew who they are. "I've been so fascinated in you guy's work on the paranormal....and the supernatural." They sigh.

"No we are FB-" 'Officer Smith' (Sam) stomps on 'Officer Adams' (Dean) foot to shut him up.

"Had do you know about us?"

Barbara smiles, "Well, you're in Gotham. Everyone knows everything about everybody, it's our city motto." There was a pause, then a ding. "Anyone want pie?"

Dean's eyes lit up, "Sammy! They got pie! And a guy that looks exactly like me, but with a white streak in his hair!" Dean starts to walk in and make himself at home, talking to the Batboys (mostly Jason).

"Cas do you really want t-"

"What ever Dean does, I follow." He walks in. (Destiel moment!!!)

"Whatever." Then, there was a blood curdling scream, kinda sounded like Justin Bieber and Jacob Sartorious singing a duet. They all run to the noise. It was Damian, eyes all black and on the floor. "We have to do an exorcism!"

~Time jump by Demon Dean getting mad at Sam for using Holy Water in his pie~

"Dick!" Bruce comes down to the living room.

"Yes Bruce?" Dick approaches him with a red Solo cup full of soda.

"Why are there three attractive men in my home?"

"Why don't you ask Barbara?" He gestures to Barbara trying to drag a drunken Dean from singing karaoke. Bruce nods and walks over to Barbara.

"C'mon Dean! You're drunk!" Barbara gives up and let's him sing. Sam is chatting up a storm with Tim about college stuff, Dean is singing Highway To Hell with Jason, Dick is trying to stop the party, and Cas is just standing in the corner awkwardly.

"Ms. Gordon, who are these men and why are they here?" She scratches her head.

"That Sam, Dean and Cas. They were here to preform an exorcism on Damian." Bruce looked emotionless.

"Okay, but DO NOT show them the Batcave or anything bat or Robin related." He walks over to Castiel.

"You're the angel right?"

"How did you know I wa-"

"Because I'm Batman, yeah I said that, going against my own rules! Now let me show you a few things..."

That's all for this chapter!!! Hope you guys liked it!!!

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That's all for this chapter!!! Hope you guys liked it!!!

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