Chapter 26

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Barbara was in her pajamas and in her room. Her stereo was cranked up to 11.

"Hey I just met you!" She sang into her brush. "And this is crazy! But here's my number!"

Dick burst through her door and sang,"SO CALL ME MAYBE!!"

Barbara quickly turned off her music. "Dick! H-how long were you there?"

"I was standing at the door since the start of the song so I could burst in at that part."

"You're an idiot!" She puts her brush on her nightstand.

"I know you are but what am I?" He smiles.

She blows a piece of hair out of her face. "And childish."

"You forgot to mention handsome, charming, and the best boyfriend in the world." He boops her nose.

She flops onto her bed. "I'm tired."

"Then go to sleep," Dick says.

"Yeah it's so easy to go to sleep when someone--you--is watching me."

"I'm not watching, I'm guarding you."

"Guarding me from what?"

"Damian." He gets her to laugh a little. "And I'm not leaving until you feel safe."

"Okay in feel safe now. Can you leave and let me sleep."

"Fine," he fake sniffles. "God forbid anything happens to me while I'm guarding you so you're safe."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Let me sleep here."

"Fine, you can sleep on my sofa bed."

"That's all I wanted."


"Goodnight Babs!" He turns the lights off.

The Bird and The Bat ||Graybat|| (Wattys 2017)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu