I Can Save You - Prologue

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Hey guys :) So this is the prologue to my new Larry/Ziam AU Fanfic :D Hope you like it!
Dedication goes to @Sh3sn0tafraid for being amazing and helping me out with the description for this story :D

Love you all <3 Enjoy:

Liam POV

Looking out at the tall buildings and blocks of flats, I felt my stomach churn slightly. This was it; I would be out there, in the city, all on my own, and I wasn’t ashamed to say that I was a little scared.

Being brought up in a little town in the countryside meant I wasn’t used to the rush of the big city. It also didn’t help that I had been home-schooled the majority of my life, not getting out often to socialize with kids my own age.

My parents had moved here, to the outskirts of Bradford, only a week ago. We had left everything behind us, which for me wasn’t an awful lot. I had a decent amount of friends, but they were nothing special. I had known them all since I was very young. Everyone knew everyone in our village, it was that small.

When I was told we were moving, I was nervous. That nervousness soon evolved into excitement, but was definitely not what I was feeling now. I had been scared of leaving behind everything I’d ever known, but I realized it would be good to meet new people, start a new life. That was before I had actually moved here. It was so much more intimidating and real now that I was here and had to start a new school this morning.

My mum had decided it would be better for me to move here, where I could make new friends and go to a proper school. Apparently I needed more social skills and they way to do that was to send me to a big daunting school in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the country.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to go, I was just unsure about the whole thing. I was scared of change and not knowing. But at the same time, I was eager to make friends and enjoy the drastic change my life had taken.

I was constantly worried, everyone would have already been at that school for years, probably already in their own friendship groups. It might not be hard for some interesting, funny guy to come in, make friends and fit in immediately. But I was sure that wouldn’t happen for me. I was shy and socially awkward; nobody would like me. I would be that awkward person who didn’t fit in with any of the friendship groups. That was why I was dreading school this morning.

I pulled myself away from the window, drawing my gaze to the mirror instead. I ran a hand through my hair as I tried to put it into place until I was satisfied with my look.

“Liam, are you ready to go honey?” My mum’s voice drifted up the stairs.

I took one last look in the mirror, internally groaning as I panicked about my look; After all, that was what made first impressions. I was just wearing some simple dark blue jeans with a plain white t-shirt. Was that too casual? Would I stick out the moment I stepped in just because of what I was wearing? What should I wear to school?

Was I stressing too much about my appearance? Definitely.

Walking out of my bedroom, I grabbed a jumper as well as my backpack and ran out of the house to the car where my mum was waiting for me.

“Don’t worry sweetie, there’s no need to be nervous,” she comforted me with a hand on my knee, knowing in an instant that however calm I looked on the outside, I was freaking out uncontrollably on the inside.

All too soon, we arrived at the big brick building that, at this moment, was my worst nightmare.

“Just go around that corner to get to the reception,” mum instructed me. “Tell them that you’re new and I’m sure they’ll help you out from there.” I managed a silent nod and tried to smile at her. “Have a good day,” she left a kiss on my cheek.

“Thanks mum,” I said, slowly getting out of the car and closing the door behind me.

I looked around at what I was about to face. Teenagers were running around the grounds, parking their cars, or walking to their classes. There were some younger looking children, but some who looked a lot older than me, all milling around everywhere I looked.

I felt utterly lost… and I wasn’t even inside the building yet.

Please vote/leave a comment down at the bottom telling me what you think :) Personally, i'm really looking forward to this fic :) Hope you like it so far!!

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