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"WE'VE DOCKED!" Someone shouted

"Another stop?" Lacus sighed as he sat down on some stacked boxes. "What is the captain doing actually? Are we touring the seven seas? I want some action, I want to spill blood, human or demons, I do not care, I just want blood."

"Well, the captain has been rather soft ever since he met his new FRIEND." Kimizuki said adding emphasis on the friend. They all turned to see Mika and Yuu at a corner being too "friendly" with each other.

"The gods for bid this." Lacus said. "Has our captain run mad?"

"Madly in love I say." Kimizuki said as his eyes caught on to Yoichi. A wicked grin crept on his face as he watched the boy mop the entire ship. "It's fun being in charge of someone."

"Leave the boy be." Renée said. "At least slave him to an extent, he's been at it all morning."

"But it is fun." Kimizuki laughed, but no one joined him, they just scowled at him. "Since when did you become softies yourselves?" He stopped laughing and turned back to Yoichi. "HEY SLAVE!" He called out to him multiple times but Yoichi didn't answer. "I have told him to answer to that name, what a stubborn little puppy." He smirked. "If you can here me slave." He shouted out to him. "You can stop cleaning now."

Yoichi stopped what he was doing and walked over to Kimizuki, he used the mop and slapped his cheek, making it wet.

"Ooooooooooh!" Everyone chorused.

"My name is not slave." Yoichi said. "Call me that again and next time, I will not hesitate to put this inside your mouth. Good day." He walked away.

Kimizuki wiped away the dirty water from his cheek.

"The bloody scoundrel." Lacus smirked. "I like him."


Mika had just explained to Yuu their reason for the numerous stops, they were gathering supplies to head out in search of something called Asura. Yuu already knew that Asura was the name of Mika's former ship, but it had sunk, they all saw it sink into the ocean. Was there a way of bringing it back?

"We can't proceed without Asura." Mika said. "If not we'd be torn to shreds everywhere we go."

Some men walked up to Mikaela. "Captain." Renée called. "We are ready to go into the city."

"Can I come?" Yuu asked. "You did say I should start moving out more, I'd like to explore some new cities."

"Of course you c-"

"Forgive my intrusion captain." Lacus said. "But I do not think that that is such a good idea."

"Why not?" Yuu frowned. "I can handle myself if that is what you mean."

"No. That isn't it at all your highness." Lacus said.

"Please call me Yuu, out here I'm not a prince." He said.

"Yes, but your outfit would completely give you away." Lacus said.

Yuu looked at his clothing, Lacus was completely right. He was still dressed like a prince, no doubt these clothes would attract attention. "But I don't have any other."

"Don't worry, we'll pick out some on pur way into town." Mika said. "Just prepare to move out everyone."

"Yes captain." They chorused and left.

"Yuu-kun." Yoichi angrily walked up to him.

"Hello Yoichi. How are you?" Yuu smiled.

"I have spent my morning cleaning up this dirty ship." Yoichi said. "And you've been here having fun with your lover."

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