A New Journey

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"Yuu-chan." Mikaela slowly walked up to Yuu, Yuu stood up from the bed.

"Mika, is it really you?"

"Yes Yuu-chan." Mika smiled it is. "You've grown quite year, word on the street is you're twenty one now. You're not longer that little kid of before." He smirked. "I can tell your body developed well also."

"Yes." Yuu's eyes diverted to the door then back to Mika. "Whereas you look, the same."

"Charming isn't it?" Mika asked.

"Quite." Yuu immediately raced for the door but Mika was quick, grabbing him and throwing him to the bed. "Let me go, let me go." He screamed.

"Yuu-chan please." Mikaela begged trying to calm the struggling boy beneath him. 

"Mika let me go or I'll scream." Yuu trashed and kick, trying to get Mikaela off of him but he couldn't. "That's it." He opened his mouth to scream but Mikaela silenced him with a kiss. Yuu's eyes widened, it had been so long, so so long, he had missed those sweet lips of his. Mikaela parted from him and looked at him.

"Please Yuu-chan, let me explain." Mikaela begged. Yuu had stop resisting now, he laid on the bed looking at Mika. "I'm so sorry." Mikaela said as he caressed Yuu's face. "I really am, my men were fools, they thought I planned an attack when I didn't. And to show you I meant it, I let them all perish that night. I lost too."
Yuu looked away from him. "No. Look at me." Mikaela made him look his way again. "I've missed you." He smiled.

"Why are you here?" Yuu asked.

"You're not happy to see me?" He smirked. "I'm sure you are, just a moment ago you claimed you were missing me."

"Maybe." Yuu said as he sat up from the bed. "Why did you come back after all these years?"

"Because I couldn't live with myself." Mikaela said. "I couldn't live knowing that probably the only person in this world who cared about me, hated me."

"I couldn't be the only person." Yuu blushed. "Wait, I don't even care that much, we we're just friends."

"I know we're just friends." Mikaela chuckled as he sat down beside Yuu taking his hands. "So do you forgive me Yuu-chan?" Yuu stared at him for a moment, he didn't know what to say, his heart said yes but his head, his head told him run and report a pirate in the room. He finally chose what to follow.

"Y-yes." He smiled a bit. "I forgive you Mik-aaaaaahhh!" Before finishing his sentence, Mika had tackled him to the bed for a hug. "M-mika I I can't breath." Yuu struggled in the powerful arms of the pirate until he finally released him. "So Mika, will you be leaving soon?"

"Yes actually." Mikaela said. "The ship I boarded leaves in three days, and I have to be on it."

"What about your ship?" Yuu asked.

"I couldn't bring it." Mikaela said. "Your people already know what the ship looks like, they'll attack."

"I see." Yuu frowned. "So we have only three days to spend together right?"



"I haven't forgotten my request of three years ago."

"Request?" Yuu remembered, three years ago Mikaela had asked him to sail with him. "You still want me to sail with you?" He nodded. "No, no, no, Mika I can't, I have to stay here, I have my duties and and-" Yuu stood and paced around.

"You still wish to live like a prisoner I your own home?" Mikaela asked, he stood yo and walked over to Yuu. "You're twenty one now Yuu-chan, not a child. You can make your own decisions."

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