Chapter 47: Roadside dreaming.

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I look at the address. It's far from where I live, but I can make it by car in a day or so if I hurry.

I pack my bag frantically. How long had it been in there?! I grab at clothes on the floor, throwing them into my bag at random. I don't know how long I was going to be gone for, so I pack a few tops and a pair of jeans quickly.
I run out of my room and pace down the stairs, turning into the kitchen.
I open the fridge and grab whatever I can, using my arm to tip it all into my bag. If I was going on a road trip I would need all I could get to keep me going. My mum enters the kitchen hearing all the commotion I was causing.

'J...Jungkook what are you doing?' She asks, a look of confusion on her face. 'Where are you going with all that?!'

'Mum I think I know where Jimin is,' I answer without explanation, not bothering to look at her as I continue hectically packing things into my backpack. 'I'm going to go find him.'

'Wha...What do you mean?! Calm down Jungkook, we can call the police and they can go-'

'I want to find him alone Mum, please. Don't call them.' I say, looking at her now. I feel bad. All these months I've been neglecting her, not accepting the help she tried to give me. Not taking her hand when she reached it out to me to help me during my hardest time. And now once again I was leaving her alone. Sorry, Mum.
But I have to go.

I walk past her and head out of the door. I pace up to my car and throw the bag into the passenger seat as I climb in and shut the door. My mum comes running out seconds later.

'Jeon Jungkook!' She shouts as she runs up to the car. 'How long will you be gone for?! Jungkook!' She tries to open the car door but I've locked it.

'I'm sorry Mum. I'll call, please don't worry.' I shout back through the window as I turn on the ignition.
I begin to drive, Mum banging on the car window shouting my name.
I try and to blank it out as I drive away.
I look back in the rear view mirror as I leave her behind, standing there looking hopeless. It breaks my heart. But I'm on my way now.
On my way to Jimin.


23:59 pm

An hour into my road trip. I'm not going to make it by today. Unless I drive all through the night. The sun had long dipped down behind the horizon, the sky is dark. I can't stop now...

03:27 am

My eyes feel like they're about to fall out of their sockets. Luckily some of the drinks I had packed happened to be caffeine drinks. They would have to do for now in keeping me awake.

04:25 am

I'm still driving. The sun has completely disappeared now, along with the most of my hope. Every now and then I find myself...closing my eyes. My eyelids feel so heavy, and I have trouble keeping them lifted for more than a few seconds. But I have Jimin...

My head hits the steering wheel.
And then I feel nothing.


I lift my head from the steering wheel. Thank God I didn't crash or something, Jungkook you idiot - you could have got hurt! My internal argument is interrupted when I suddenly see a figure standing at the side of the road. I slow down, and pull over to see who it is. Why were they just standing there? And in the middle of the night? I roll down the window.
The figure turns around.


He stares back at me and smiles. I rush out of the car. This is insane - how is he here?! I run up to him as fast as I can, and hug him tight.

'JIMIN! What are you doing here? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!' I ask him frantically, tears in my eyes.

He doesn't reply.

'JIMIN?' I plead.

And then I hear a noise.
Was that...a car horn?


The car horn blares. I wake up suddenly.

I snap upright and my eyes are blinded by the intense white glow of headlights.

OH MY GOD- I grab the steering wheel as quickly as I can and jolt it sideways as far as it would go. The car screeches as I'm flung to one side, my hands grasping the steering wheel tightly and my seat belt being the only thing to stop me flying to the other side of the car. I hear the tires screech as the horn blares louder. With seconds to spare, I slam my foot into the accelerator and speed back onto the right side of the road, as the other car continues to sound its horn along with a series of curses from the driver as he shakes his fist out of the window. I come to a sudden halt on the road, and I'm thrown forward before falling back into my seat. I lift my hand up to my neck as to rub it. Agh, I'm definitely going to have whiplash in the morning.

Did that really just happen? I sit there in my car, still, taking in the shock of what had just happened. I slap myself. How could I let myself fall asleep at the wheel? Do you have a death wish Jungkook?! I come to my senses.

Even after what had just happened...honestly I was more sad than shocked. The kind of sad where you're on the very edge of giving up. It had been a dream. I was dreaming. How cruel. There was no Jimin.
I hadn't found him.

I sit there, just me and my car on the entire road, alone. The noise of the blood rushing to my ears was the only thing I could hear, sat motionless underneath the glow of the single roadside light. For a moment it felt as though I could have been the only person on Earth. I sigh, defeated.
What was I doing here...

I start the car. Although the shock gave me enough adrenaline to stay up all night, I wasn't going to risk my life a second time. I decide to drive to the nearest place I could find, a service station or a motel and park there for the night. My quest can wait a day, as much as I hate to waste time.
Every mile was a mile closer to him.

I reach a service station not too far away, and drive into the car park.
Crap, I didn't bring a blanket.

I pull out one of the T-shirts I had brought with me in my packing frenzy. This will have to do. I throw it over myself as a make shift blanket, and huddle into it. Turns out T-shirts make terrible blankets. I shiver and watch as a trail of wispy breath leaves my mouth. It's freezing. I check the time. 4:32 am.

I can't sleep. I watch from my car as I see people from time to time enter and leave the service station. I watch as one couple leave, arms wrapped around one another. They drag suitcases behind them, so I assume they're tourists. Even though it's the early hours of the morning, they smile together as though sleep wasn't a necessity and that it didn't matter because they were travelling together. They simply look happy. Bastards. Showing off your love. Keep it to yourselves, I think bitterly. I turn away and look up through the sun roof window above me. I lay under a layer of dark blue clouds to match the navy glow of the sky. If I squinted hard enough, I could make out the faint glow of stars.

I willed tomorrow to come as I began to rest my eyes. Tomorrow I would finally find Jimin, and my fantasies would no longer exist just in my mind. I would be with him, I could actually touch him, and hear his voice, and see him smile.

But... what if he doesn't want to see me...

The thought butts in like a gatecrasher at a party, interrupting my perfect image.

I was the reason he had to leave in the first place - what if he still hates me for it?! I don't want to believe it, I don't want to believe he meant what he said the night he left. I bite my nails. I can take a lot of hate. I had done it before. But if Jimin hates me...I don't think I could stand it. That would be the saddest thing in the world. Every single person in the whole world could hate me. It wouldn't matter to me.
But I don't think I could live in a world where Park Jimin hated me.

I begin to drift away, eyes closing. I was looking forward to sleeping, as the sooner I slept, the sooner tomorrow arrived. But for now, I had my dreams. I could see him there.

I fall asleep, dreaming of tomorrow.

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