Chapter 2: The wild animals.

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The first day of school. I'm nowhere near ready. My list of potential disasters keep repeating in my head, over and over and over. I can't do this. I've never been the new guy in my life.

The new school I was going to didn't even have a uniform. Whose sadistic idea was that?! How am I supposed to keep up with wearing something new everyday? I begin to slide my clothes along the closet rail frantically.
No, no, no, no, ugh definitely not, no no. God I have nothing to wear.
I mean I do have things to wear....
just nothing I would LIKE to wear.
I initiate Plan B by trying to find something in my drawers. Slamming the doors open and closed, I reach the bottom drawer where I find a few plain white T-shirts. Brilliant, you can't go wrong with a plain white T-shirt.
No one can pick on you for that.

I take off the T-shirt I slept in, pulling it over my head, and slip on the white T-shirt. I accompany it with some old 3/4 length pink shorts I find in another drawer. I know, pink shorts are practically asking for attention but according to my calculations I have ten minutes to be ready, zero other options (as these were the only clean pair I had unpacked) and approximately zero fucks to give. I rush to brush my teeth, grab my bag and throw on a denim jacket before heading downstairs. Downstairs, I pull my timberlands on by the doorway, click the latch open and start to head out, before Mum rushes up to me.

'Waaaaait Kookie!' She calls as she runs over to me - more like skidded over in her slippers - and leans up to kiss my cheek.

'Have fun, don't crash the car and remember to put your seatbelt on.' She adds.

'Okay, bye Mum.' I say hurriedly before heading out and closing the door behind me. I head up to the car. It was a small red car, and frankly I barely fit into it because I had grown so tall.
I bought it as an 18th birthday present to myself, after I got my driver's licence and saved up through my part time job back in Daegu. I hated that job, working for a devil boss in the coffee shop. His head was too big for that small place anyway. Jerk.
I click the car key to unlock the car, throw my bag onto the passenger seat and sit in, clipping my seatbelt. I place my hands on the steering wheel.

I could just drive away now. Off into the sunset to a nice island, beaches surrounding me. I don't have to go to my death at this new school.

I sigh. I know I have to go. God help me, I think to myself as I turn the key and begin to drive.

After a short drive, I arrive.
I look out of the window at the school.
I have to admit, it didn't look at bad as I originally thought it would.
I imagined a grey, brick building, fences sky high to keep students locked up. The reality I was faced with however was a smaller building, coloured with shades of light brown and white. The campus itself looked spacious, grassy areas covering the majority, with trees scattered around.

I park my car, and head towards the building. I had to report to the head teacher's office. Once inside, I walk against the current of people, bumping past them as I make my way there.
I see the office with the sign 'Headteacher's Office' and knock on the door timidly.

'Come in.' A voice calls back.
I push open the door. The office was small and quite dark, the interior mostly consisting of browns and dark greens. Typical head teacher's office. Inside was the head teacher sitting down and a girl. She had wavy brown hair and greeny eyes, and smiled at me eagerly.

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