Chapter 14: Freeze.

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Friday. I hurry into dance practice a little late as Ms.Lim had kept me behind after school to talk about my English tests. On the first I got 4/100. On the second I got 3/100. Ouch.
I'll make it up to her...I'll sign up for English online courses or something. Or maybe get a tutor.

I slip through the door to see the group practicing the choreo. To go unnoticed and to avoid a lecture from Yi ahn,
I stick to the wall and slide along to the back of the room, where I jump in halfway and dance over to my position. I think I got away with it.

As I follow the routine, I look at Jimin dancing up front. Only the best dancers got to dance upfront. He really did make this choreography his own, the way his body moves would be more fitting in a contemporary dance show than in an after school dance practice where his talents were being wasted. Just as I was settling into the routine, Yi ahn pauses the music.

'Well done everyone, good practice! Take five.' Yi ahn tells the class. I go to scurry away and over to Hana, before I hear his deep voice hold me back. 'Jeon Jungkook.' I freeze momentarily, and swivel round on my feet to face him, bracing myself for the worst. He's only about 1 or 2 years older than me, but he sure didn't let you forget it.

'Did you think I wouldn't notice you walking in halfway through the choreo?' My shoulders sink and I look up at him pleadingly.

'...No?' I replied, hoping it was the right answer. He sighs.

'You've missed quite a bit. Don't be late next time. You're getting off easily since it's your first time.' His eyes divert to Jimin suddenly, who was walking past him. Before Jimin can get out of his reach, Yi ahn grabs his shirt with one hand and pulls him back.

'Hey! What are you doing?!' Jimin snaps, dusting off his top.

'Show Jungkook the choreo he's missed after practice. Since you both love turning up to my class late.' And with that Yi ahn leaves as Jimin shouts his curses back.

'Why can't someone else show him?!' He protests, but Yi ahn ignores him. He lets out a huff and turns to me. 'Don't be late next time! Then neither of us would be in this situation.'

'Same goes for you.' I retort back.

The last person walks out of the class, and me and Jimin are left alone.
He plugs in his phone into the stereo, ready to play the music.

'Right. The choreo.' He stands, not facing me but instead talking to be through the reflection of the mirrored wall. 'You know up until here right?' he says, demonstrating the move he was referring to. I nod in response.

'You pretty much have it, it's just getting to grips with the new part Yi ahn added on. Oh and we changed a small section, just to make the whole thing smoother.' He turns around to face me then, taking me aback. He offers a small grin. How can one person change so quickly? One moment, he's acting huffy with me when he is in front of people, but when we're alone he seems softer, less guarded. He brings his hands together, the smacking noise introducing his instructions. 'Let's see what you know so far then. You can say you know it, but how can I be sure that you know it well enough until I see it?' He spreads his arms wide to let me know the floor was mine, and walks past me to sit at the back of the studio, back pressed against the wall, legs apart - the kind of posture that makes you look confident yet slightly arrogant at the same time. He picks up his phone and presses play. I take the starting position and wait for the cue. Before I had even danced the first move, I made the mistake of looking up into the reflection in front of me.
I could see Jimin, sitting at the back, eyes fixed on me. He was going to be watching and critiquing my every movement. Having him stare at me like this was nerve wracking to say the least. I could practically feel his gaze on me. Do I look okay? What if I mess up? I wanna look cool in front of him...

OH OH THE CUE! I snap out of my worries, just in time to catch the cue. Another second worrying and I would have missed it. I move upwards, letting my feet lead me from one move to another. Don't screw up now Jungkook. I dance about from one side of the studio to the other, focusing hard on the fluidity and presentation, trying to perfect it in front of Jimin. Before long I reach the end of the choreography, panting and sweating. For someone who should have good stamina, mine was awful. There's a moment of silence before I turn to look at Jimin for his response. I can't help feeling slightly embarrassed in my sweaty and panting state, and I try hard to collect myself and appear as calm as possible.

'It was good.' He says folding his arms. Good?! Is that all he's going to say? 'I can see you've worked hard on it. There's just a few things I want to point out...' He gets up and walks over to me. 'Show me this move again.' He says, showing me the one he meant. I copy him.

'Freeze.' I do as he says, not moving a muscle as though he had really frozen me to the spot. He walks in a circle around me, eyeing my body up and down. I felt like I was burning up, just from being subjected to his intense stares. Without warning, he uses his foot to knock mine into a better position. Shuffles my left foot over slightly using his, then my right.

'Almost perfect...' He stops behind me and grabs onto my waist with warm hands. As if my heart wasn't already going to explode, I was sure it had now.

'You need to keep your hips more in line with the rest of your body.' He explains as he guides them to where he felt they should be. He lets his hands fall away from my waist so I can actually stop holding my breath and stands back to assess my new posture.

'There, now it's perfect. Remember this when you dance.'


I don't know how long we stayed there. Countless times we went through new choreography, me mirroring Jimin's movements, trying to learn as best as
I could to impress him. Luckily for me
I was a fast learner and didn't make too many mistakes. He was a great teacher - when it came to dance anyway. You could tell dancing was something that came naturally to him.

We come to a stop in the final position, and the music fades out. Jimin exhales, taking a second to gather himself and drink water from his bottle. I didn't even care what I looked like at this point, we were both sweaty messes after so many run-throughs.
'Well done Flower Boy, we've pretty much nailed it. That'll show Yi ahn. Bastard.' He says with a triumphant grin as he takes another gulp of water.

'Thanks for teaching me.' I tell him, trying with all my might to suppress the flush of pink that was threatening to colour my cheeks.

'That's okay.' He replies, the corners of his mouth upturned into a lazy smile. A moment of silence falls. Just as he was about to open his mouth to say something, his phone vibrates from the other side of the room where he had left it. He walks over and flips it over to look at the screen. He frowns.

'Everything okay?' I asked concerned.

'Uh yeah, it's just my dad.
I should probably get going,
I didn't realise how late it was.'
He gathers his things and swings his bag across his torso. 'See you round Flower Boy.' He pauses to smile, and leaves the dance studio without another word.

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