My Little Brother

Start from the beginning

"Right, and then we could all ride unicorns to school and eat food that passes a health inspection." Perry joked.

"Uhh...that last part is mandatory." I pointed.

"Not now!" Perry called out and I shook my head in disappointment. How is she principal??

"It doesn't have to be like this." Bree furthered explained.

"Oh, yes it does. I learned one thing from my mother: 'to rule with an iron fist!' Oh, and that salad takes up space where meat should be." Perry informed us and we all looked at her weirdly.

"She sounds like a lovely woman." Leo complimented with a smile.

"She isn't!!" Perry snapped at him, making him retreat in fear. "You kids think my job is sooo easy, don't you?"

"Well, I mean, how hard can it be? You do it." Bree smirked as the crowd 'oo-ed' in response to the burn.

"You think you can do better? Alright, have at it. School's yours. You go ahead and be principal for a day." Perry told Bree and the girl unfolded her arms.

"What?" Bree asked.

"Yeah, go ahead and be the nice principal. These maggots will eat you alive in two hours." Perry walked closer to Bree.

"You know that some of these 'maggots' are here. I don't think they like that." I introduced and everyone glared at Perry.

"Like I care! You could use your last breath to scream for help, but you should have used it to say 'I'm sorry!!'" Perry imitated the last part for Bree, who backed up because of the woman's breath.

"All right, you're on. But if I'm gonna be principal for the day, I'll need the keys to your office." Bree smirked, bringing her hand out for the keys.

"Alright, but remember, no matter how loud the banging gets in the file cabinet, don't open it!" Perry warned before leaving to get her stuff out.

"You sure you wanna continue this, Bree? The thing that made her job easy was that she wasn't following any of the rules on the handbook. And most of the stuff is pretty important." I told Bree as she played with Perry's keys.

"I'm positive! Will you two help me with this?" Bree asked Leo and I.

"I'm in! As long as Perry's gone, count me in!" Leo cheered.

"Fine, but I'll handle the important stuff, like actual non poisonous food." I informed, which was gladly accepted.


I left Leo and Bree to handle the 'thing in the cabinet file' while I was on my laptop using the middle piece of the Great Hall as my chair and table. Since Bree was principal, she made Leo vice principal, and me as the secretary...kinda. I was both vice principal and secretary since I was dealing with the wrongs of this school. Unsanitary bathrooms, molding food, and let's not get started on what is stuck on the ceiling in one of the science rooms!

After a while, Leo and Bree come out of the office and they smile about how happy everyone is ever since Perry left. They walk towards me as I drink from my smoothie and type on my laptop.

"Hey, Desny, what's up?" Leo joked with a stupid nickname.

"Is Desny supposed to be like Walt Disney?" I clarified before working on school finances and such. Just call me Kyoya from Ouran High School Host Club! (<--Awesome Anime show by the way!)

"Yeah, but isn't is awesome seeing how happy every is!" Leo cheered.

"Definitely! Bree, you did good, girly!" I smiled at said girl and Leo handed her a clipboard.

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