[32] Bullied by Y/n - CR

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a lovely fam has written one, and i really like it! she has a total different writing style than me and writes different imagines than i would, so y'all get some variation in the imagines because of her, wohoo!

SO, the writer is;


"I bet you're the king of your high school," the interviewer says, laughing. I laugh along too, not because it's true, but because it's the utter opposite.

"No, no...I'm not, really..."

"You sure?" he says. The other interviewer jumps in.

"Chandler, you're in one of the biggest network TV shows airing. How do you not rule the school?"

"Everyone treats me like a regular kid. Except for my friends, who treat me like trash. Can't have my head getting too big."

I don't say anything about the people who not-so-subtly shove me into a wall sometimes. Or that one girl in my English class that glares at me 24/7 and loudly whispers some fairly rude things about me to her friends. Don't need people making a big deal out of that.

I answer a few more questions, laughing and smiling along with the interviewers, and go home.

"How was the interview?" my mom asks.


"What did they ask?" she prompts.


She gives me the mom stare. "What kind of questions?"

"Stuff about my personal life. Like, school."

"What'd you say?"

"People treat me normally."

"How's school going for you?"

"Good." I really don't feel like getting grilled by Mom. Not right now.

"That's good." I turn the radio up louder and lean back. She gets the message.

"You're awfully quiet today, Chan." Or maybe not.




"We'll be home in a bit." I curl up in my seat, pulling my knees to my chest. When I was little, my mom used to call me a pretzel.

"Chan, it's not safe to ride in a car like that."


I uncurl myself. I shift around, trying to get comfortable.

"Chan, stop moving around. You're distracting the driver."

"Mom, I'm trying to get comfortable."

"Put your feet on the ground and your butt on the chair, honey."

I sigh heavily. I fall asleep a little while later.

* * *
"Chandler! What are you doing up at 3 AM?"

CHAN/CARL IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now