The Adventure She Never Understood

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"Rory?" Asked Amy quietly. "Rory is that you?"

With the sound of the sonic screwdriver, the good ol magnifying glass appeared to our right.

"Rory, where are you?" Amy asked. It hadn't dawned on me that Amy might be feeling the same way about Rory as I was about The Doctor. It was cold here, and lonely. Our minds were both pulling at the memories of someone who would make us feel less alone.

"Same place as you, and a bit ahead," he replied. Through the glass, we saw an old woman. I immediately knew it was Amy. I'd know her anywhere.

"I remember this," said this new, older Amy.

"But who's she? There's no one else here but... me? Why are we still here?" She half asked me, half the older Amy.

"Because they leave you. Because they get in their Tardis and they fly away," she said.

"No. Rory wouldn't, not ever. Something must have stopped him."

"You did. Or rather, the old version of you.

"The me version of you. I refuse to help them. I won't let them save you."


"If you escape, then I was never trapped here. The last thirty six years of my life rewrites, and I cease to exist. That's why old me refused to help then. That's why I'm refusing to help now. And that's why you'll refuse to help when it's your turn. And nothing you can say will change that."

"Where's Ruby?"

Old Amy's face contorted. "Out," she said sourly.

"I'm gonna go out," I told Amy quietly, feeling like she was in good hands. I wanted to check around for robots; make sure this wasn't a trick.

She nodded.

I slipped out, and headed towards the door out.

Now, I wasn't there for the rest of the conversation, but Amy later told me what happened.

After discussing Rory, Old Amy was still reluctant to help. Amy pressed on to ask why.

"Ruby," said Old Amy. "She's gone."

"Gone? What do you mean, gone?" Amy asked.

"I mean she's going to die. And there's nothing you can do."

After a long moment, she replied, "Why?"

"Because. I won't tell you how. She died the way she always wanted to. She told me so. I was there."

Another pause. "You know Ruby. Just like I do. You know she would tear apart the universe apart to see us safe. You have to let me help her. Please. Tell me how."

"The paradox-"

"Don't say anything like that about her. Ruby is a walking paradox, from what I've seen. You'd pull apart time for Rory. Let me pull it apart for her."

The two held eyes. They knew how much Ruby meant to them both. That's one thing they shared in common. Old Amy finally opened her mouth to answer.

Which brings me to how I was pushing open the door to the Arrivals lounge, when I heard Amy yelling my name. I turned around, to see her running towards me. She bulldozed past me, knocking over a Handbot that was apparently waiting for me outside. I watched as she sent her heel through the robot's lack-of-face.

She grabbed me into her arms, with no warning.

"Dying for me," she gasped. "You were going to die for me."

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