Halfway Out of the Dark

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"Merry Christmas!" We shouted as the door opened and cold steam hissed out to greet us.

"Doctor!" She said happily. I insisted upon a hug as she stepped out. "Where to this time?"

"Did I mention, at any point, all of time and space?" He asked as we ran towards the Tardis.

And so it went, every Christmas eve; Egypt, somewhere mountainous, and another place that I can't even begin to describe to you. Kazran grew, but the rest of us stayed the same. It was kind of disturbing. I wonder if this is how The Doctor sees the world. Forever growing and changing, and churning with life that's all doing the same- and never accompanying the growth. I shook myself out of it.

"Merry Christmas!" We shouted.

"Kazran," said Abigail, for the first time not recognizing The Doctor or me first.


We were in the Tardis and I was coming back from changing into a simple black dress with a blue headband. The Doctor looked over and pointed at me.

"Right. I have something for you. Give me a mo. He raced down the stairs, under the platform. I heard him rummaging about for a moment, and then he appeared holding a green cape.

"Wow, I've gone all local. Will I need this?" I asked as he fastened it around my neck.

"We'll see, won't we?" He smiled at me, and arranged the soft fabric around my shoulders. He went back to the console, and I pressed my nose into the fabric. It smelled like his jacket.

"So, Doctor, where this time?" Kazran, who was now an attractive young man asked.

"Pick a Christmas Eve. I've got them all right here," The Doctor said with a smile.

"Might I make a request?" Asked Abigail timidly. The Doctor looked up in surprise.

"Of course," he answered.

"This one."


I stood next to Abigail, who stood at the window of a house. She too, wore a cloak like mine, only hers was pale blue, and she looked more of an angel than a demon. I was on the reverse. Inside the house, a family bustled around. I recognized the woman as a younger version of Abigail's sister. Sensitive to severed sisterhoods myself, I took Abigail's hand comfortingly. She didn't speak, but closed her hand around mine as a tear slipped from her eye.

Kazran appeared beside me, and I left Abigail's side to let them have a moment.

I stood by The Doctor, and watched Abigail and Kazran talk quietly between themselves.

"How are you doing?" He asked me.

"Just a bit cold. And tired. Tired and cold. I haven't slept in the equivalent of about three days."

"Should we take a break for a bit so you can have a nap when we get to the Tardis?" He inquired. I blinked at him, and shook my head.

"I'm okay. I've gone longer without sleep." I leaned against his arm and shut my eyes. I heard the city in the distance, and sighed audibly.

Then he was gone. Almost as fast as he disappeared with River's vortex manipulator, the Doctor left a vacant area of cold air beside me. I hate it when he does that!

With nothing else to do, I approached Kazran and Abigail, who were now holding hands and starring at the window that was covered from the inside with red curtains.

Then, all of a sudden, The Doctor opened the curtains from inside the house, waving us in eagerly.

How did he... what the... you know what? I'm not gonna ask.

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