A Little Extra Confusion

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"Okay, left. Sharp turn!" Amy yelled. We crashed through a corn field in their car, with Rory driving, and I sat in the back seat trying not to die. "Okay, right. No, no, no, I mean left.

"No, that's right!" I shouted.

"No, sorry, right, right. I definitely meant right. Now loop the loop."

We span out of control.

"Stop! STOP!" Yelled Amy. Rory slammed on the breaks, and we all climbed out.

We had freaking made a crop circle to get his attention. If he didn't show up, I was throwing him out a window next time he actually showed up. It doesn't really matter which window. Some window, a window. One of the windows.

And there, in the middle of the crop circle, that we'd created (with much nausea), was the Tardis. The Doctor came out, holding a copy of the Leadworth Chronicle, with the title reading, "Leadworth Crop Circle."

"Seriously?" He asked.

We had not only laid down a crop circle, but had drawn the word Doctor in the field.

"Well, you never answer your phone," Rory reasoned.

"Okay, you've had all summer. Have you found her? Have you found Melody?" Asked Amy, walking up to him.

"Permission?" He asked Rory reluctantly.

"Granted," Rory sighed, taking the newspaper. The Doctor hugged Amy.

"You know who she grows up to be, so you know I will find her."

"But you haven't yet?" She asked.

"Hang on. What's this bit?" I asked, taking the newspaper from Rory. A warm breeze swept through. The Doctor came up behind me. There was a line through the middle of the word Doctor on the photograph.

"That wasn't us," Amy said. The Doctor snatched it away from us, checking all sides of the paper. Looking up at the sound of a revving engine, we saw a red Corvette coming straight for us.

We all yelled in terror, and dove out of the way. The car skidded to see halt by the Tardis, but not after hitting The Doctor and sending him flying three feet.

The Doctor had been knocked to the ground. A familiar young woman climbed out of the car, and stood above The Doctor approvingly.

"You said he was funny. You never said he was hot," she said, smirking.

"Mels!" Rory yelled.

"What are you doing here?"

"Following you, what do you think?" She asked. I laughed. I loved having Mels around. She was just as crazy as I was. Well, almost.

"Er, where did you get the car?" Rory asked skeptically.

"It's mine," she said. We heard police sirens in the distance. "Ish," she finished.

"Oh, Mels, not again," gasped Amy.

"You can't keep doing this. You're going to end up in prison," Rory said.

The Doctor hopped up to join the conversation. "Sorry. Hello. Doctor not following this. Doctor very lost. You never said I was hot?" He demanded. I smirked.

"Is that the phone box? The bigger on the inside phone box?" Asked Mels in awe. The Doctor pointed at her, liking at Amy and Rory. He leaned against his box, staring down at Mels. "Oh, time travel. That's just brilliant. Yeah, I've heard a lot about you. I'm their best mate," she said to The Doctor.

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