Can I Have a Hammock?

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I looked up from where I was covering my face to keep the sparks away, to see Amy, clinging to a large pillar.

I abandoned everything to run up and give her a tight hug of relief.

"Not good. Not good at all. How do you walk around in these things?" Idris asked from behind me. I turned around to see her sitting flat on her bottom, staring at us in confusion.

"We're not quite there yet. Just hold on," The Doctor said, helping her up. "Amy, this is, well, she's my Tardis. Except she's a woman. She's a woman, and she's my Tardis."

Amy blinked, pointing at the Tardis.

"Sh-she's the Tardis?"

"And she's a woman. She's a woman, and she's the Tardis." He sounded breathless, like he'd wanted to talk to her about it for a while.

"Did you wish really hard?" She suspected.

"Shut up. Not like that," The Doctor objected.

Dazed, the Tardis only made the situation worse, "Hello. I'm Sexy."

"Oh. Still shut up," he ordered.

"The environment has been breached. Nephew, kill them all." There was that voice again. The smooth talker. The lier, the deceiver, the devourer of many. It was Squishy.

"Where's Nephew?" Rory asked slowly.

Amy told us, "He was standing right where you materialised."

"Ah. Well, he must have been redistributed," reasoned The Doctor.

"Meaning?" I asked.

"You're breathing him."

I choked a little at that, and Amy covered her mouth and nose.

"Oh, come on," she complained.

"Another Ood I failed to save," he mumbled.

"Stop sulking," I snapped.

"Doctor. I did not expect you," Squishy said.

"Well, that's me all over, isn't it? Lovely old unexpected me," The Doctor said.

"The big question is, now you're here, how to dispose of you? I could play with gravity."

I was yanked suddenly to the ground. It felt like I was being weighed down with a million trucks.

"Or I could evacuate the air from this room and watch you choke."

And he did. My lungs were on fire. It felt like they were collapsing in on themselves.

The Doctor choked out, "You really don't want to do that."

When it turned off, I was extremely weary, but saw Idris laying, heaving on the ground, and scrambled to her side.

"Why shouldn't I just kill you now?"

"Because then I won't be able to help you. Listen to your engines. Just listen to them. You don't have the thrust and you know it. Right now I'm your only hope for getting out of your little bubble through the rift, and into my universe. And mine's the one with the food in it!" The Doctor said. Two smooth talkers in one room. How exciting.

"Water, water," heaved Idris. I put my hand on her forehead, and found her burning.

"You just have to promise not to kill us. That's all, just promise," The Doctor said. I looked up in surprise. I'd slap him, but I was tending to the Tardis' very soul here.

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