Psycho Lost Her Edge?

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"What are you actually called? What's your proper name?" Craig was asking. A plan was forming in my head, so I walked along behind our flatmate, The Doctor and Sophie. I adjusted my blue jacket. I loved this thing. It had two tiger heads on each side of the upper zipper, roaring furiously.

"Just call me The Doctor."

"Yeah," Sophie defended him.

"I can't go up to these guys and say hey, this is my new flat mate, he's called The Doctor."

"Why not?" The Doctor asked.

"'Cause it's weird!"

We reached the field, and were met by a guy from our team. "All right, Craig. Soph. All right, mate. Miss...?" He clearly didn't know how to address me.

"Psycho," I muttered in finishing his sentence. "Miss Psycho."

"Hello, I'm Craig's new flat mate. I'm called the Doctor." He repeated the air kisses he'd been performing. This was only met by a short awkward moment and a couple of odd looks.

"All right, Doctor, I'm Sean. So, where are you strongest?" The man asked


"No, he means what position on the field," Craig informed The Doctor, who turned around from his mistake and strided straight into another one.

"Not sure. The front? The side? Below."

"Are you any good though?" Sean asked. The Doctor twirled the ball on his pointer finger briefly.

"Let's find out."

"Can I join?" I asked suddenly. The Doctor and team all stared at me, speechless.

"I don't know. Ask them?" Was all The Doctor could offer.

I turned sharply to Sean, who cowered slightly under my gaze.

"Look, we don't have any more room on the team," he said politely. A guy ventured forward.

"And we don't do females. At least, not like that." My eyebrows shot up as he scanned my body slowly. "She must be good at it though," he told The Doctor. "From her state, you did her well."

I gaped. He was suicidal. That was the only explanation. Just because I didn't brush or wash my hair this morning! I drove my elbow into his gut and slammed my fist into his jaw. As he fell, I jerked my knee up, making him cry out in pain.

"Now you have room. He won't be playing. Anyone else?" I asked. Nobody else seemed to have an objection. "Good to know."


The Doctor turned out to be the best player on the field. He not only earned over sixteen scores, but also the favour of the crowds. I, on the other hand was discriminated for hurting one of their best players. On top of that, I couldn't hit the ball for my life, so The Doctor saved my every shot with a score. I was furious and embarrassed that I'd made a fool of myself, causing me to trip up a couple times. That was okay, until I twisted my ankle, injuring myself and immobilizing my right foot.

As soon as that happened and I was on all fours, spitting out dirt and trying to conceal tears of pain, The Doctor was right there, pulling me to my feet.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I-" I was so humiliated I could barely keep back tears, even though tears would only make me look even weaker than I already did.

The Doctor stood behind me and held my forearms with his hands securely, sending warning glares to everyone approaching to see if I was okay. I hated how vulnerable I looked. I had meant to build respect, not make everyone think if me as a naive weakling who's mouth was bigger than her talent.

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