More Than Just a Fairytale

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"Seriously? I'm not exactly feeling 100%, Amy," I groaned, rubbing my head tiredly. I was getting over a cold that mainly consisted of sneezing I'd had for the past couple of days that I ironically picked up at Antarctica.

"Don't touch." She slapped my hand away from my head lightly. "It'll come out."

She straightened my black trench coat I was wearing over leggings with piano keys running down the outside of my right leg, heeled leather boots (Amy insisted that high heels would help me seem less infected because I would have to focus to stand up straight, which meant I wouldn't slump, thereby looking less pathetic), and a black fedora she'd done my hair up under. Apparently, fedoras "suited me, and I should wear them more often." The only part of the outfit I liked was the ruby red lipstick she'd let me wear along with all the other makeup she caked on me.

Okay, not caked. She didn't put too much on. But for a girl who's used to only lip gloss, it was a lot.

Nonetheless, the lipstick reminded me of blood.

We entered the console room, where The Doctor was setting the Tardis for flight.

"I can't believe I've never thought of this before! It's genius! Right. Landed. Come on." He hopped towards the door.

"Where are we?" Asked Amy curiously. Me, I just wanted to take a nap. I had a sore throat and a slightly stuffy nose.

"Planet One. The oldest planet in the universe. And there's a cliff of pure diamond, and according to legend, on the cliff there's writing. Letters fifty feet high. A message from the dawn of time. And no one knows what it says, because no one's ever translated it. Until today."

"What happens today?" She inquired.

"Us. The Tardis can translate anything. All we have to do is open the doors and read the very first words in recorded history." He smiled excitedly. It made me sick.

We ventured outside to a planet that almost looked cartoonized. I sneezed. On a huge cliff beyond us, we read words that made me giggle:

Hello Sweetie

So she was back. I folded my arms excitedly.

Case opened.

"Vavoom," Amy said.


We stepped outside onto a hill.

"Right place?" Amy asked. I sneezed in response, the air irritating my lungs.

"Just followed the co-ordinates on the cliff face." The Doctor answered her. "Earth. Britain. 1:02 am. No, pm. No, AD."

We stared down at a Roman camp at the foot of the hill.

"That's a Roman legion," Amy commented. I sneezed again.

"Well, yeah. The Romans invaded Britain several times during this period."

Amy nodded. "Oh, I know. My favourite topic at school. Invasion of the hot Italians." The Doctor looked at her funny. "Yeah, I did get marked down for the title," She admitted. I sneezed at the memory and smiled.

"Ruby, are you alright?" The Doctor asked finally.

"I'm sick, remember? It's not like I haven't told you that a trillion times," I said. "Am I to remind you again the next time I sneeze?" He rolled his eyes and turned back.

A Roman soldier hurried up the hill and then fell down on one knee in front of us.

"Hail, Caesar!" He announced.

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