I Suppose They Aren't Ironsides...

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We ended up in the place that I'm guessing everything was made.

"Hello! Now the people have been filling me in. Amazing things, these Ironsides are, amazing," The Doctor said, examining several pages. "You must be very proud."

"Ah, well, just doing my business."

"Not bad for a paisley boy," Amy laughed. Edwin turned, smiling.

"I thought I detected a familiar face," he laughed. Amy beamed. I liked the professor. He talked slowly, so I could understand what he was saying, and he smiled so much.

"How did you come up with the idea?" The Doctor, who was sitting in a chair now asked, looking through a file.

"Well, how does a muse of invention gone to anyone?"

"So you get a lot of these clever notions, do you?" The Doctor asked. He was being too nice. I knew what his point was. Why was he being so nice to start off?

"Ideas just seem to teem from my head!" Said the cheery professor. "Wonderful things, like," he walked over to another table, picking up a folder. "Some musings on how to sustain hypersonic flight," he picked up a new folder as The Doctor snatched the other from his hands. "Gravity bubbles that can sustain life outside our terrestrial atmosphere, came to me in the bath." The Doctor dropped the other one and grabbed the new one, examining it too. He dropped it and turned.

"Oh, and are these your ideas, or theirs?" He asked.

"Oh these robots are entirely under my control." One Dalek came up with a cup of tea, and Edwin took it. "They are the- uh, thank you- the perfect servant. And, the perfect warrior."

"I don't know what you're up to, Professor, but whatever they promised you, you cannot trust them. Call them what you like, the Daleks are death."

"Yes! Doctor," Winston said as he walked in. Oh great, not him again. I was getting tired of keeping up with everyone's talking. "Death to our enemies! Death to the Nazis! And death to the third Reich!"

The Doctor turned. "Yes, Winston, and death to everyone else, too." A Dalek rolled up.

"Would you care for some-"

The Doctor smacked the tray out of the Dalek's hold. "Stop this! What are you doing here, what do you want!"

"We seek only to help you."

"To do what?" He asked with a doubtful look.

"To win the war!" It answered. He lifted his chin to look down on the robot with hatred.

"Really? Which war?"

"I do not understand."

"This war, the war against the Nazis, or your war, the war against the rest of the universe, the war against every life form that is not Dalek?"

Well. That actually cleared a lot up. Finally, a couple of answers around here.

"I do not understand, I am your soldier."

"Okay, okay! Okay soldier," he lifted a wrench about the length of his arm. "Defend yourself!" He banged it hard on the head. I jolted at the noise. He banged it again, landing strike after strike on it, but surprisingly not denying it.

"Prime minister, please!" Edwin said. Poor guy. He doesn't get what the Daleks are. Wait. How do I know what the Daleks are? I don't remember planets in the sky, but I remember they're fatal. Hostile. They hate The Doctor, and they hate anything that isn't Dalek.

It isn't just what he told me. I know it from my own mind, not hearing it from him. First feeling a star whales pain and now this? What's wrong with me?

"Doctor stop this!" Winston said.

"You do not require tea?" The Dalek asked. It was met by another blow to the head. Wait- was that considered it's head? I guess so.

"Come on! Fight back! You want to, don't you, you know you want to!" The Doctor grabbed the Dalek's wandering eye stalk, redirecting it at him.

"I must protest!" Edwin said. The Doctor ignored him, smashing the wrench on the Dalek again.

"Look, you hate me, you want to kill me! So come on, kill me." He banged the wrench down on the Dalek multiple times. I felt kind of bad for the Dalek, even though it was a creature of pure hate. "KILL ME!" He yelled.

Now, on a regular basis, I couldn't care less about The Doctor's safety. But if he died, I didn't get home, and I didn't want to be stuck here for eternity. I ran up, grabbing his arm.

"Doctor, be careful!" It was kind of a foreign feeling to me to touch a male on my own will. He didn't let me pull him back though, so I let go, wanting to remain in physical contact with him for as short a time as humanly possible.

"I do not understand. I am your soldier," the Dalek insisted. The Doctor banged the wrench down on it four or five times in a row.

"YOU ARE MY ENEMY! And I am yours! You are everything I despise. The worst thing in all creation. I defeated you, time and time again I've defeated you. I sent you back into the void, I saved the whole of reality from you. I am The Doctor. And you are the Daleks!"

With that, he kicked it into a wall. It turned to look at him. "Correct." It looked over at another Dalek. "Review testimony."

The Doctor's voice rang out from what I'm assuming was a speaker. "I am The Doctor. And you are the Daleks!"

"Testimony?" The Doctor asked.

"Transmitting testimony now."

"Transmitting what, where?" The Doctor demanded.

"Testimony accepted," one of the two Daleks said.

"Get back, all of you," The Doctor ordered. Nobody really complied.

"Marines! Get in here!" Winston yelled. Two of them ran in. Immediately, the Daleks each fired a blue laser bolt at them. You could see their skeleton inside them in a blue light for a second before they dropped to the floor, dead.

"Stop it! Stop it! Please, what are you doing? You are my Ironsides!" Edwin said. The Daleks looked at him.

"We are the Daleks!"

"But- I created you!"

"No!" One said. "We created you!" It shot at him, and for a second I thought he'd die in that bluish light again, but instead his hand was gone. A collection of charred wires were in replacement. What. Ok, sorry, but what?

They chanted one word before teleporting away.

"Victory! Victory! VICTORY!"

Welp. I suppose they weren't Ironsides after all...

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