All For Her

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"I left my headphones at home," Eliot announced. The Doctor gave him a thumbs up. He ran to the doors.

"I'll come with you, sweetie," I said. I didn't mean to call Eliot sweetie. It just kind of... came out. The Doctor raised his eyebrows at me, and I flashed him a "shut up" look.

"No, Ruby, I need you here," The Doctor said.

"He's not going out there on his own," I told him, putting my foot down defiantly.

"Fine," he sighed.

"I'm fine, miss. Really," Eliot objected.

"I don't care. I'm going. Hold up the fort, Doctor."

"On it," he said, saluting with two fingers. I followed Eliot out. I pulled my jacket tighter around me and Eliot lead me towards his house. The dome above us suddenly sprouted dark patches. I stopped looking up as they grew until we were submerged in darkness, almost as if it were night time.

"That's not natural!" I said.

"Come on, miss!" Eliot said. He was a few yards away, and I hurried to catch up with him.

"Just Ruby to you," I added as we walked faster.

"Ruby? Like the gem?"

"Hmm," I answered, nodding.

"I like that," he said. I smiled down at him, almost not believing him.

"Yeah?" I stopped walking, looking down at him. No one had really complimented my name since I first met The Doctor. Not truthfully, that is. Of course I'd gotten plenty of "that's a nice name"'s during Smalltalk with grownups.

"Yeah," he answered with a nod and a bit of a smile. I was beyond flattered. I didn't get sincere, truthful compliments that often. Somehow this boy's word seemed more believable than anyone else in the universe. I took a moment to look at him warmly, processing what he'd said.

"Thanks, kid," I said. We kept hurrying along and suddenly Eliot brought up another worn out subject.

"You don't like people touching you," he stated. I laughed quietly, looking at the ground. He had no idea.

"How did you know?"

"I've been watching you. You haven't let anyone come very close. Especially that man. The Doctor? You don't like him, do you?"

I sighed. "You've found me out."

I expected him to ask me why I didn't like anyone touching me, why I didn't like The Doctor, and why I didn't seem to talk much. Instead, that magnificent little boy just smiled a little, and said, "It's okay. I understand."

I looked down at him in surprise. "C'mon, let's... let's get moving," I said. He smiled a little and nodded.

We reached his house and he skipped ahead to open the door for me, which I just thought was the icing on the cake. This boy was incredible. He'd make a good boyfriend someday.

He found his headphones on the couch and we left again. We didn't speak again until we reached the graveyard.

Suddenly, there was a hissing behind us. I looked back, my breathing speeding up. I sped up, starting to run up the hill alongside Eliot.

"Hurry," I said as we hurried. I know, stating the obvious. But next time you're in a graveyard with midnight lighting, hearing strange hissing noises behind you, let me know how well your brain is functioning.

We raced up to the church patio. The front door, that kept sticking, conveniently wouldn't open.

"Mum!" Eliot shouted, banging on the door. "Grandpa Tony! Let us in!"

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