Torture Chamber Of London

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A/N: *eyes bug* Over 400 reads? Thank you all so much! Please remember to vote and comment! It is really special to me when you all do, so thank you, thank you, thank you to anyone who's voted or commented! I love you all! Here's a chappie for you :). The next one will be longer, don't worry. Okay, read on!

We were soon Liz's room, where she gave Amy and I towels for our hair, and she sat on her bed, wrapped in her cape.

The Doctor stepped carefully through at least fifty glass cups of different kinds, each filled with a different amount of water. There was also a fallen chandelier and a mirror on the ground too but he didn't seem interested in them. He looked up.

"Why all the glasses?"

"To remind me every day that my government is up to something. And it's my duty to find out what." I walked over to ever patch of glasses.

"What's the deal with the glasses of water, anyway?" I asked. The Doctor crouched down and motioned for me to follow.

"Look. It doesn't move. Ship this size, engine this big, we'd feel it. The water should move."

Oh. Wow, he was detail oriented. Okay. I got back up.

"Secrets are being kept from me. I've been on this throne ten years. Ten years I've been at this. And you've achieved more in one afternoon."

"How old were you when you came to the throne?"

"Forty," she answered nonchalantly. Amy turned in surprise.

"No way. You're fifty?"

The queen smiled. "Yeah. They slowed my body clock."

"A queen who goes undercover to investigate her own kingdom," The Doctor said, walking over. Amy had perched on the corner on the bed, but I remained standing.

"Undercover isn't easy when you're me. The pictures, the autographs."

"So you wear this." The Doctor picked up her mask. "And it stays on by itself, because it is perfectly sculpted to your face," he reasoned. She shrugged.

"Yeah, so what?"

"Oh Liz," he said, looking up at her. "So everything."

The door slammed open and several of the men in black robes I'd seen before walked in. Liz stood up.

"What are you doing? How dare you come in here!" She said.

"Ma'am. You've expressed interest in the interior workings of Starship UK. You will come with us now."

"And why would I do that?" She demanded. The man's face turned around, becoming an angry Smiler.

I tapped The Doctor's shoulder. He looked at me. I smiled.

"Sorry, what?" I asked.

"They're half bred. Half man, half Smiler," he explained. I nodded understanding and let it go.

"Whatever you creatures are, I'm still your queen. Under who's authority is this?"

"We act on orders of the highest authority, Ma'am."

"I am your highest authority," she insisted.

"Yes, Ma'am. You must go now Ma'am."

So that's how we ended up here in the tower of London. A man with grey hair and glasses showed up. Liz said something to him, but I only caught "So this is where you hid yourself away". That couldn't be good.

After a lot of words I wasn't really bothering to pay attention to, the man was talking to The Doctor about the beast below. Assuming it was important enough for The Doctor to listen, I decided to pay attention.

"Protesters and citizens of limited value are fed to the beast. For some reason, it won't eat the children. You're the first adults it's spared. You're very lucky."

"Yeah. Look at us. Torture chamber of the tower, lucky, lucky, lucky, except it isn't a torture chamber, except it is. Depends on your angle."

Oh great. Angle out no angle, I was in a torture chamber. Great. Just terrific.

He walked over to a hole that had something that looked like a giant brain in it. Three spikes came together above it, zapping it over and over again at a steady speed.

I felt a profound sense of pain shoot through my body and groaned, gripping the hand rail that circled the brain. The Doctor walked over, placing his hands on my shoulders. He was probably trying to be comforting, but I immediately shoved his hands off of me.

"What is it?" Liz asked.

"Well, like I said, it depends on your angle. it's either the exposed center of big fella's brain being tortured relentlessly," he began.

"Or?" Amy said.

"Or, the engine. Britain's go-faster button."

"I don't understand," Liz said.

"Don't you?" He demanded. "No vibration on deck, power cord dummies?" He tossed Liz her mask, with a look of disapproval. "A spaceship that could never fly. This creature, this poor, trapped, terrified creature, it isn't infesting you, it isn't attacking you, it's what you have instead of an engine!"

My pain was increasing. I doubled over and Amy ran to me, helping me stand up. I gritted my teeth, breathing hard through the pain. What was wrong with me?

"Tell you what," he said, walking over to the trap door and pulling it open to release one of the creatures. "Normally above human hearing, but it's... connecting to Ruby!" He looked at me in surprise, but the pain was clouding my vision.

"Why?" I think Amy demanded. My head was clouding.

"I don't know!" The sound in my throat didn't seem be able to get out. "She's bringing it down to your level. This is the sound none of you wanted to hear."

He pointed his screwdriver at me and I screamed in agony.

A/N: I know it's short, I'm sorry! The next one will be longer. I'm thinking of calling you all Awkward Ferrets. It's not the best but I've seen worse.

Read on, Awkward Ferrets!

(Has a certain ring to it, don't you think?)


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