Chapter forty seven

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Finally, we came around to the introduction between Sora and Haruka. I was... Ridiculously nervous. Was it because I wanted Haruka to approve of the guy I liked...? Or was it just my own embarrassment?
I'd never actually been in a real relationship before... Never been with someone who actually liked me, at least...
I guess I just wanted everything to be perfect...
I tried not to let my nervousness show as Haruka and Sora met each other.
"So," Haruka started, crossing her arms and looking Sora over. "You're the guy who's taken a liking to my bestie, eh?"
I elbowed her in the rib cage.
But Sora was smiling.
Smug little fox...
"Guess so."
My heart was racing as Haruka circled around him, looking him up and down. "Hmmm..."

"Haruka..." I groaned under my breath. She was being weird...!
But she was undeterred, rubbing her chin as she scanned him, thinking it over like she was my father.
"How far have you two kids gone?"


Maybe it was a mistake to bring her here! It seems I'd underestimated how embarrassing my quirky friend could be in the presence of someone I DIDN'T want to be embarrassed in front of...
Sora didn't answer, but he was smirking smittenly as he watched us both.
Probably enjoyed looking down on us goofy teen girls. He was like a foot taller than us both, after all.
After a lot of awkwardness, Haruka finally started to look at him seriously. "Hey... You take care of my best friend. Got me?"
My face felt warm, and so did inside my chest. Haruka...
Sora gave her a kind, sincere smile.
"... I will."
My heart felt like it would burst.
Something about the things Sora said was just so...


After a long while of awkward conversations and laughter, night had fallen, and Haruka and I got settled in the living room so Sora didn't have to move.
Besides, we wanted to watch some tv, and catch up on things. The couch pulled out into an okay bed, just big enough that we could both fit in it.
I poured out everything to her, no holds bared, having never gotten to relay this information to anyone yet. Obviously, it was all outlandish and unbelievable, but being my best friend, she had no choice but to believeー though I naturally got a lot of crazed reactions. I'd find it unbelievable, too, if I were her...
Finally, after passing Tarou, Kyoko, everything, I'd told all there was to tell, and waited for Haruka to say something.
"... Wow...."

"... I know."

She seemed to think everything over for a long moment, before her lips spread into a dangerous smile, and she scooted towards me. "So you finally got yourself a real boyfriend, huh?"
I nudged her with a short laugh. "Shut up! My past romances haven't been THAT bad."
Haruka scoffed. "Randyn McClive?"
My jaw dropped. "Ah! He wasn't that bad!"
Haruka raised a brow.
"He cheated on you."



"... But he had nice hair..."

The both of us laughed and talked until it had gotten late, before we finally decided to turn in, shutting off the lights and television, snuggling somewhat comfortably on the makeshift bed.
Haruka looked at me.
"So... You're happy living here.. Right?"
I smiled gently. "...yeah."
She grinned and snuggled close to me. "Then.... I'm happy for you."

".... Thanks, Haruka."


Suddenly on a Leash  (1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang