Chapter twenty four

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"You're lying!"
He was grabbing me so roughly I couldn't even manage to say anything in return. Lying...? I wasn't lying...!
I didn't have any power at all! I was just a human...!
... Right...?
I found myself contemplating it. What if I really could do something...? I quickly dislodged the possibility from my thoughts. No, there was no way... This guy was just crazy...
"Let go of me...!" I tore myself from his grip and he scowled down at me, still enraged, for a short moment before composing himself, letting out a shaky breath. "It doesn't matter what you say..." He sneered. "I know what you are. And I will have you. You can't stop me."
I glared daggers at him. Yeah right... Id never stay here with him. Sora... Sora would come for me... Surely he would... Wouldn't he...?
Tarou turned his back to me, sighing agitatedly. "You will meet me for dinner."


"That is all."

Before I could further protest, he was gone.
I swallowed hard. This was an absolute nightmare...
Help me...


Meanwhile, Sora was at wits end.
"Where is she, dammit?!"
He slammed his cup down on the table, causing Yuto to flinch.
It was no use... No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't locate Ayano...
Why, why had he left her out there all alone...??
Why wasn't he able to protect her like he promised himself he would...?!
What kind of master was he...?
"Sora," Yuto tried to calm him down. "We'll find her..."
Sora let out a shaky breath.
Hold on...


Despite my displeasure at the very idea of it, I found myself creeping hesitantly into the dining room. What was I doing here... This man was out of his mind...
But what else was I to do?
From what I'd seen, there was no way to escape... And besides that, I had no idea where I even was. I'd either get lost and more than likely die out in the wilderness surrounding the seemingly empty shrine, or be recaptured by this psychopath before I got far.
The dining room was enormous. But in spite of its huge size, the long dining table was the only furniture within the room.
At the far end of the table was none other than the man, staring me down sharply. His plate had food, but it seemed he hadn't touched any of it.
As I stepped up to the table on the opposite end facing him, I saw that my plate and glass were full as well. Not saying anything, I hesitated for just a moment, before quietly sitting myself in the chair.
As I did, a small smile crept across Tarou's lips. He spread his arms wide to me. "So I see you've decided to join me. How delightful."
I looked around. Did he always eat alone at this huge table in this huge room...?
There was another chair...
I didn't say anything.
"Oh, come now," he prompted. "Do at least grant me the honor of having a conversation with me."

"... I don't know what you want me to say..."

"Anything will do."

I paused for a moment before looking down at my plate of food. I came here for dinner... Then I would eat. Not chat.
Picking up my fork, I started to eat silently.
It tasted bland... And it was cold.
He frowned. "Say something."
I raised my eyes to look at him for only a second before I returned to my meal.
He looked incredibly unsatisfied with this, but didn't press any further on the matter. "... I will make you my familiar."
I shook my head at that. "I won't let you."
He chuckled lightly. "I'm afraid I'm not leaving you a choice. I've waited far too long for this."
I didn't answer, looking at him with contempt as I chewed.
"... You're going to be my familiar, Ayano. Make no mistake about that."


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