Chapter thirteen

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After some time of doing pretty much nothing, the sun started to duck under the horizon like the final flicker of a dying flame. I bit my lip as I anxiously watched it disappear, the night descending. I was reluctant to get into bed...
Sleeping beside Sora...?!
This was crazy...!
I mean, of course I pretty much trusted him, seeing as he hadn't harmed me thus far, but what if he tried to grope me or something...?!
Not that I had much to offer in that department with my underdeveloped 15 year old body, if you know what I mean. Either way, he was a manー a man I didn't know well, at that...
Okay, okay, calm down Ayano...
Have faith in your friend...
After a while of my only standing and staring at the bed, clearly anxious and indecisive, Sora came into the room behind me with a yawn.
"What're you doing...?" He grumbled, going over to the bed to peel back the covers. "Get in bed..."
With a tired groan, he easily slipped in and curled up comfortably. I swallowed. Okay, okay, I can do this....
Albeit hesitantly, I crept over and awkwardly slipped in beside him, doing absolutely everything in my power to ensure that I didn't so much as graze him as I slid into a laying position beside him. True, the bed was loads more comfortable than the couch...
I snuggled in; though I kept very tightly to the edge to put space between us; and let my eyes fall closed. Against the silence, I could hear my heartbeat hammering.
Oh geez...
No matter how tired I was, the loud and incessant thumping of my heart against my ribcage wouldn't stop...
This was crazy...
I flinched involuntarily as Sora shifted on the other side.
You're fricking me out, Sora...!
I could hear him breathing...!
I flinched again when Sora started to speak. "Ayano."
"Ah, y-yes...??"
He scared me...!
He sighed. "Calm down. I promise I won't do anything, okay...?"
I swallowed. "... I... I know that... But..."
I knew he wouldn't.... But still... I couldn't calm down...
There were a few moments of silence before I could feel more movement against the mattress.. Was he... Moving towards me...??
Before I could even begin to move away, I suddenly felt restricted by a pair of strong arms. My face felt like it was on fire as my pulse quickened. "S-S-Sora...?! What're you...!"
"Shh," he snapped. "I'm trying to calm you down.."
I hate to break it to you, but you're doing the OPPOSITE OF THAT!
I tensed as I felt a hand start stroking over my hair lightly.
It was actually... Kind of... Nice...
Sora tended to surprise me. For someone with such a cold stare and an emotionless demeanor, his touch was so gentle...
Before I'd realized it, I had begun to lose consciousness, easily slipping into a deep sleep.

Suddenly on a Leash  (1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ