Chapter thirty three

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That was easier said than done.
When the tea was ready, I set up a tray and hesitantly crept back into the living room. Of course, the first thing I saw was Kyoko draped against Sora's side. Taking a deep breath and doing my best to dismiss it, I brought the tray over and set it out on the coffee table, taking a seat at an angle where hopefully I wouldn't see as much uncomfortable behavior all up in my face.
"So Sory," the girl cooed. "What've you been up to these days, hmmm?"

"Nothing really," Sora countered, gingerly nudging her hand off his thigh. Not that it made a difference as she moved it right back. He didn't seem otherwise deterred by her touchiness. Something told me he was used to her touching him all the time...
I set my jaw as Kyoko drew her lips towards his ear. "Still got that sweet spot...?"
A cold chill struck me.
What the...?!
What was that supposed to mean?!?
Okay, I couldn't take this.
Unannounced this time, I stood from my spot and tried my best to leave as non-suspiciously as I could manage.
This was ridiculous...
Tucking my hair behind my ears and biting my lip, I shuffled out to the other side of the house, going outside to sit on the porch. Once there, I let out a heavy sigh.
How long was she going to be here...? This was so awkward..
My body jerked in surprise at the feeling of a hand lightly nudging me from behind me. I turned just as Sora sat down on the porch beside me, eyeing me steadily. I looked away. "... Your fiancée doesn't mind being apart from you?"

"Very funny. I thought I already cleared this up with you."

He crossed his arms at me as I let out a short breath, running a hand through my hair. "I know, I know..."
Just because I knew that didn't make things any less awkward... If she kisses him I'm gonna pass out.
Sora sighed. "Look, she won't more than a day or two, alright? Even though we aren't really romantically involved, she's a friend. Play nice. Understand?"
I gave a simple nod.
There was a pause before he raised a hand to mess up my hair. "It won't be so bad. Promise."
I didn't answer, and after a moment, I heard him get up and turn  down the hall back towards the others. I debated on whether or not I wanted to follow. I wasn't sure if I could handle hearing or seeing anything else.
It'd be so embarrassing to make an even bigger fool of myself...
But it seemed like the fact that I was a familiar made Kyoko less fearful of me. I wasn't a rival to her...
At least that was good. I think.
I let out a slow breath, crossing my legs and resting my head in my hand. Maybe it would be a good idea to just stay out here for a bit...
However, that plan was short lived as Sora stepped back over onto the porch, leaning over the flick my forehead.
"Ow! What...?!"

"Are you done sulking yet? You saw what happened last time I left you alone. Get in here."

God dang it.

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