Chapter nineteen

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Ignoring the burning in my cheeks, we continued this way, close to one another, my fingertips carefully rubbing his ears. They were soft and warm..
I was glad I'd picked a position in which he couldn't see my face, because if we had eye contact, this would be kinda...
Sora let out a slow breath, and after some time, he'd drifted back to sleep. I bit my lip. He was so worn out..
I raised my head when I heard the door creak open, and Yuto poked his head in.
"Ayano," he murmured. "Mind helping me in here?"
I nodded quietly and carefully slipped out from under Sora, silently following after Yuto.
In the kitchen, we worked together to make something for dinner and prepare more medicine for Sora. We were both quiet.
After a moment, I heard Yuto exhale. "... You feeling as useless as me right now?"

"... Yeah..."

More pained silence loomed over us. "... How could this have happened...?"
The dead air Yuto left at my question caught my attention. "... Yuto..?"
There was a pause as he stared down at his hands. "... I can only think of one possible explanation, but..."
My brows drew together. "You know? What is it?" He shook his head. "No, it's nothing..."


"Just leave it, it's really..."


He raised his head to look at me, and I met his gaze with a look of resolve. "Tell me."
A long, heavy silence fell on us as he hesitated. "... The only thing I can think of... Is that he's broken a rule..."
I tilted my head, squinting at him in confusion. A rule?
"What do you mean...?"

"This could be a punishment... Even gods can't do whatever they please, you know..."

"But... What rule could he have..."

He wouldn't look at me. In the silence I started to formulate an explanation.
"... Yuto... Is it... Because I'm here...?"
He didn't answer me.
"... That's it, isn't it."
Still no response.
My heart throbbed in my ribs. Sora was hurt... Because of me...?

AUTHORS NOTE// I'm sorry this was so short and so late 3: I've been having weird phone glitches. I'll try and write the next one asap!

Suddenly on a Leash  (1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin