Chapter 12 - Revelations

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Avery's senses were everywhere. She still gripped Alex's arm and she felt her nails dig deeper. Having already gone to Enchanted two times, Avery would've felt calm, but something inside of her was making her feel uneasy. Maybe it was what she had experienced just before or maybe it was the fact that she was returning to a powerful world with their enemy. Avery felt herself shrink, and her body continued to tingle. Refusing to open her eyes, she felt Alex's arm tighten and Avery loosened her grip slightly. When Avery stopped shrinking, she flickered her eyes open and gasped with shock.

All around her, there were fires, fairies injured on the floor and others tending to their injuries, there were some fairies hovering all over the place fixing broken windows and doors and stopping fires. Avery looked at Alex who had the same amount of shock in his face. Enchanted had been turned into ruins!

"What happened here?" Avery said walking forward slightly to the lake which was no longer the crystal blue it had started off as. 

"I...I don't know," Alex said shaking his head and looking all around. Avery looked at him again and only now took in his fairy form. He no longer looked like Dylan, instead taking on his original form, which Avery guessed was a side-effect to the antidote. Alex, however, this time had bronze and yellow wings and he was wearing a matching tunic and pantaloons as well as boots. Avery had to admit he looked very handsome. Avery continued to take in her surroundings and stopped when she saw a sparkle of glitter and light. Queen Clarissa arrived with many guards and Lady Selenita at her side. Both looked very distressed.

"Avery! Oh, my, you're here, but as you can see now is not a good time!" Clarissa said motioning her hands around her.

"I know your majesty, but I have important information. Before I speak, I must ask, what happened here?" Avery said as she faced the Queen. Clarissa sighed and looked down.

"We were attacked. By Argon and his army. They destroyed us. We have nothing left. And I almost lost Dylan in the battle, but thankfully he survived, although it is still a mystery as to how because Argon attacked him straight on..." Clarissa explained as she contemplated her surroundings. Avery followed her gaze around until she mentioned Dylan.

"Dylan? Is he okay? Where is he?" Avery said suddenly making Selenita and Clarissa jump.

"He's fine, Avery. Like I said, he's recovering and you may see him afterwards but now tell me, why are you here with this man?" Clarissa said eyeing up Alex suspiciously, who had his back to the queen.

"This is Alex, I changed his name. He's really Marco, the fairy of your world that betrayed you," Avery said looking Clarissa straight in the eye, as she turned Alex around to face the queen who gasped. Avery noticed the anger build up in the Queen's eyes and she pointed her finger at Alex. He was elevated into the air and shocked with much force, Avery started to panic.

"This man, betrayed us and you brought him back?" Clarissa said with anger echoing in her voice. 

"Oh, no please! Your Majesty! Don't hurt him!" Avery called for Clarissa to put Alex down but she refused, making the pain worse. Avery saw Alex was in agonising pain and she tried to reason with the queen. Avery looked angrily at the queen and screamed,

"Clarissa! Let him go! He has helped me a lot and you were the one that said I should befriend him! He has gotten me so much information and even learnt the knowledge of Argon's attack, which I will tell you if you let him go!"

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