Chapter 8 - The Plan

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"Selenita, introduce yourself," The baron said to his daughter. Selenita nodded and walked over to Dylan. She curtsied elegantly and put her hand out for Dylan to take. He did and kissed it quickly, avoiding eye-contact. Avery saw her smile and Selenita walked back over to her father. 

"Uhm... Selenita, greet Avery too. She'll be here for awhile," Clarissa said. Selenita looked over at Avery and Avery could tell that she wasn't impressed with her appearance. Selenita reluctantly walked over to Avery and put her hand out for Avery to shake it. Avery pulled an expression of confusion and Selenita pulled her hand away from her. Dylan saw what was going on so spoke up,

"Selenita, she's a princess," Dylan said with a smile because he must've known that it would have annoyed her. Selenita turned around and looked at her dad.

"A Princess? From where?" Selenita asked. Her voice sounded dainty yet it had a sort of croak to it.

"We'll explain during dinner as it is a very long story but Selenita, show some respect," Clarissa said looking very sternly at Selenita. Gritting her teeth, Selenita walked over to Avery. She curtsied like a weight of books were balancing on her head. Avery just smiled awkwardly and nodded her head to Selenita indicating that she should get up. 

"Okay then. Erhard and Selenita, you'll be taken to your private quarters now, just make yourselves at home. And then you may explore the palace and the palace grounds with our head servant who will give you a guided tour," Clarissa said as she ushered for the head servant to walk forward. He came, bowed to the queen and looked over to the baron and his daughter.

"Follow me, please." The head servant started to walk out the door and Erhard and Selenita followed.

Dylan came over to Avery while his mother spoke to the other servants.

"She seems...nice. Who is she?" Avery said as Dylan followed her gaze to the doorway.

"She's Lady Selenita. Her father, Baron Erhard, is ruler of the underwater city.  Mother rules both but Erhard takes control when my mother is away. Sort of like a vice-king, if that's even real," Dylan said with confusion on his face.

"Oh. So, why are they here?" Avery said nodding

"She's...uhm...come with her father to talk about the kingdom's future...uhm...I'd presume," Dylan stuttered the words out. He made it seem like he was telling the truth but Avery could tell it was lies.

Avery just looked at Dylan and studied his face while he looked down. Her thoughts were interrupted when Clarissa walked over to them and Avery noticed her shadow over Dylan's body. 

"So, shall we?" Clarissa said as she walked past the two of them towards one of the many doors in the throne room. Dylan followed first and Avery followed next and they made their way into the living room, awaiting Avery's fate...


Clarissa sat on ivory coloured chair near a fireplace and the King stood next to her. Dylan sat opposite her and Avery was ushered to sit next to him. Cold drinks were bought by a butler and left on the table in front of them. Clarissa shooed the butler away and he closed the grand doors behind him. The room was dark and the only source of light was from the the fireplace. Avery knew it couldn't possibly be night already so when she looked over to the windows, she could see that curtains were drawn, preventing any light from coming through, although one curtain failed to do so and a beam of sunlight shone through.

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