Chapter 1 - The Mysterious Box

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Avery woke up suddenly. The loud noise jolted her. She sat up in her bed and looked around. She shook her head concluding it was just a dream, but then heard tingling.  She heard a tingling noise coming from her window, well under her window. Avery got up and tip-toed to the window. After several deep breaths, she flung the curtains back but there was nothing there. She sighed and turned around back to bed. Something stopped her, however. There was a box. It was there and it didn’t belong to Avery. She hadn’t seen it before. Curious, Avery walked over to the box and once again heard the tingling. She realised it was coming from the box. Slowly Avery picked up the box and placed it on her bed. She looked to see if there was any way of opening it and saw a lock that was already open. Avery opened the box, hesitantly. She was surprised to see nothing inside the box, but a red silk lining. Avery let out a sigh of relief and just as she was about to close the box, something called her.

“Avery, Avery you must help us!” said the voice. Avery was shocked. Where was this voice coming from and how did this voice know her name? She looked deeper into the box. A bright white light shone out of the box and covered Avery with little white lights, making Avery very curious. She looked deeper and saw a person. Wait, not a person, a fairy! It was there, really small walking around the box. There wasn’t just one but many fairies and a whole world of fairies beneath her. Avery was surprised!

Suddenly, she felt herself shrinking. Smaller and smaller, she cried out for help but no-one could hear her. Soon she fell and Avery could hear her screams as it happened. She landed on rich, green grass, face first. Avery was stunned. She got up and looked straight up and recognised the dark, wooden ceiling to her room. She was inside the box! Avery looked around her. Many fairies were working and some were asking if she was okay. They were all so beautiful! They were all covered in glitter and had beautiful clothes on in bright colours. Men wore waistcoats and trousers, some wore tights. While women wore skirts that were very voluminous and dresses that were beautifully tailored to hug the women’s curves in every direction. The land was beautiful too. Buildings made out of sweetmeats were everywhere, all in different shapes. The trees looked lush and were an amazing bright green. The flowers on the bright green grass were covered in glitter and the animals that roamed the land were exotic as well as familiar. A gravel path led fairies to lots of different places, beyond what she could see. A river, as blue as crystals, flowed below a harmonious bridge and fell in a beautiful waterfall to a big sapphire coloured lake. Avery couldn’t believe her eyes:  A world that could actually be as beautiful as her dreams.

Avery walked down the gravel path and saw lots of different fairies: weather fairies, season fairies, element fairies and emotion fairies. She couldn’t believe that all these fairies actually existed! As she walked up the bridge she saw the waterfall. But that didn’t catch her eye. Something was moving in the water. It looked like a fish but it was longer and when it reached the surface, Avery gasped. A mermaid appeared and gave a fairy a conch shell before disappearing again. Avery rubbed her eyes. This world had mermaids and fairies living together side by side. Where was she and how did she get here?

Suddenly, a big shimmer of glitter and light appeared and all the fairies ran to the side and bowed or curtsied. A beautiful golden fairy appeared with two men behind her. She looked at Avery and a smile appeared on the mystery fairy's face. Avery wasn’t entirely sure on what to do so she looked down, with shyness. The fairy came closer to Avery and she smelt honeysuckle and pomegranates.

“You must be Princess Avery of Carcassonne. I am Queen Clarissa of Enchanted,” the fairy spoke with great confidence. Enchanted, this place was called Enchanted. Avery looked up and made eye contact with the Queen

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