Joe sighed, staring at Caspar. "You ate some before you came here, didn't you?"

He burst out laughing. "Yeah."

Joe took the packet of chips out of Caspar's hands and opened it. He took a handful, before passing it to me. After grabbing a few, I gave it to Tyler, who took a large amount of chips.

"Don't be greedy, Ty." I complained.

"I'm not." He shot back.

"Just save some for us." I said, putting a couple chips in my mouth.

"Yeah, okay. Whatever." He rolled his eyes, as he gave the chips to Zoe.

There was a moment of silence, with the quiet background noise of crunching.

I opened my mouth to say something witty to break the silence, when Zoe sat up abruptly.

"Alfie and I kissed." She blurted out, with wide eyes.

I stared back at her, shocked. She covered her face with her hands, as the rest of us began cheering and clapping.

"Finally!" Tyler exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Zoe, who was blushing profusely.

"When?" I asked, excitedly.

"Yesterday..." She trailed off.

"Girl, you kissed someone yesterday and you never told us?" Tyler gasped.

"I'm sorry. I just can't believe it happened. I've been crushing on him for almost four years. Four years, guys. That's just, wow. I just really like him." She said, with a small smile on her face.

"So, what now? Are you two a thing?" Caspar asked.

Zoe shrugged. "I don't actually know. We had to get to class straight after and we haven't talked to each other about it since."

"Aw, that sucks. What are you going to do?" Joe took another handful of chips.

"I don't know." She repeated. "What if it was a dare or something? What if he didn't actually mean it?"

"Well then, he's an idiot and you don't deserve him." Tyler replied.

"Okay." She sighed. "Okay. I'll talk to him tomorrow."

"Good. You better let us know how it goes." Caspar nodded.

"I definitely will." She replied.

Caspar grinned. "Now, anyone else have anything they want to share regarding their love life?"

I grabbed a couple of chips from the almost-empty packet, not realising how quiet the conversation had gotten. I looked up and paused when I saw all four of them staring at me, expectantly.

"Wait, what?" I frowned, putting a chip into my mouth.

"I said, anyone else have anything-" Caspar repeated, sighing.

"I know what you said. I just don't know why you're all staring at me." I said, confused.

"Is that so?" Tyler asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Wait- no." I said, after realising what they were talking about. "If you're about to talk about what I think you're going to talk about, then I'm leaving."

"What?" He looked at me, innocently.

"Don't say it." I warned him.

"Is it just me-" He started.

"Don't." I repeated, covering his mouth with my hand.

Not long later, I felt his tongue make contact with my palm, instantly causing me to remove it and wipe his spit onto his shirt.

"Ew." He complained.

"Ew? It's your spit." I mocked him.

"Anyway-" He tried again.

"Stop talking right now or I'll cut your nipples off." I threatened him.

"Don't you dare touch my nipples." He said, placing two hands on his chest.

"Then don't even start." I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Okay, fine. Give me a hug." He opened his arms.

I sighed and leaned into him, as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Is it just me or was Troye totally staring at Connor at lunch?" He said, in a quick string of words.

Before I could pull away and slap him, Zoe gasped. "Yes, I saw it, too."

I took a deep breath and pulled away from Tyler's tight embrace. "What are you guys even talking about? He was not 'staring' at me."

"And how would you know?" Joe asked.

"I don't. I just know him." I sighed.

"Do you really? He was practically undressing you with his eyes. Even I saw it. We all did. Except for you." Caspar pointed out.

"Firstly, ew." I raised my finger. "Secondly, ew. And thirdly-"

"Ew. Yeah, we get it." Tyler rolled his eyes. "But, you've got to admit - he's taken quite an interest in you lately. Anyone can see it."

"The guy's an ass. And it sucks for him, because what 'interest' he has in me, he's definitely not going to get back from me." I shrugged. "And you guys have been awfully interested in him, too, you know."

"Only because our best friend has gotten the attention of one of the hottest guys at our school." He explained.

"Yeah, okay. Whatever." I pretended to gag, before something in the sky caught my attention. "Look, there's a shooting star!"

Zoe's head shot up and her eyes widened. "Oh my God, it is."

"Make a wish, everyone." Caspar said, grinning.

I lied back down, and shut my eyes. I could've wished for a long, healthy life. I could've wished for endless, happy memories with my friends. But, I needed to make a wish that I would not regret. After all, I was literally wishing on a star. Who knew when I'd ever come across an opportunity like this again? So, I sighed, and without any further thought, I made my wish.

I wish that, one day, I'll meet someone I'll be willing to give all of my heart to. And I wish that, one day, they'll be willing to give back just a little bit of theirs in return.



- go read my other completed fanfic 'together again' - I'm trying to reach 1k votes on it thankiesss but you don't have to if you don't want to or if you actually have a life unlike me cri

Wait so basically I'm trying to make Connor someone who tries not to show his vulnerable side on the outside but all he really wants is someone to love him especially after Matthew left him :)

- see you guys next chapter -

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